How do I find house building blueprints for free?

I'm looking to build my own small house. I need to check out a couple blueprints just to give me a basic idea of how building a house works. Does places like Home Depot have readily available material to custom build a house? I also want to know where I can find land to place this house. Does anyone know of a website?

You can check out some architectural books at your local library.You will need to pay, at some point, to get plans that are truly complete and build-able. They have to conform to your local codes, so generic plans are not going to pass. I once had a client present with me a set of house plans for a house he wanted to build in central MA. He had bought the plans on the net. They were from Arizona. I had to have a structural engineer review and alter the plans, to meet local codes. We were able to keep the general look, but had to compensate for the differences in climate. If we had built the house, according to the original plans, it would have been too cold in mid winter and the roof would have collapsed under the weight of a heavy snowfall. Also, electrical and plumbing codes are constantly changing, and you have to be sure that you meet your local, current requirements.
search in and download google sketch up
to create Ur own house