Parliament House Canberra (Australia)

Short look a parliament house Canberra
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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13 Responses to Parliament House Canberra (Australia)

  1. CMFrenchEsq says:

    Goodness me wearing runners and shorts into Parliament House!

  2. Janeee97 says:

    I went to parliament house for school because we went on a week camp to Canberra, and we all got to sit in the speakers chair in the house of reps there!

  3. GayBoyRunning says:

    the americans think there big an powerfull for being big look at the Parliament house canberra

  4. kiwi539 says:

    wow australia Parliament house r SO BIG

    inside australia Parliament house look nice and outside look ugly lol

  5. Skinski7 says:

    Thirteen in occult lore is representative of the Sun (ie 12 Houses of the Zodiac and the Sun, 12 months in one earth solar year etc.)

  6. Skinski7 says:

    Parliament House is a Temple of the Sun when viewed from the roof. One example is the twelve marble stones on each apex leading to the glass pyramid which is a symbol of the Sun. As the old expression goes, “there is nothing new under the sun.”

  7. damienenterprises says:

    hey dude, you probably forgot about this comment that you made, but i’ll just let you know that the current parliament house in australia was actually opened in 1988. so in fact, it’s a 20th century building.

  8. MalcBilton says:

    Thanks for asking – makes quite a change for someone to ask! Yes you can solong as the vid you make isn’t violent, abusive or pronographic.

  9. TheDoctorForever57 says:

    Can I use this video in a film? (and if you have a higher quality and maybe widescreen video would be much appreciated)

  10. Grogan1988 says:

    im proud of our parliment house! its a great building and its open to the public! and i love how there is grass on the roof, great for a quick game of cricket during lunch lol

  11. Wy3maly says:

    wow.. before clicking on your video i was expecting some old style building.
    i’ve made a piece about our in manitoba, canada (provincial) but there is no way to compare it. yours is new and very impressive. looks big and powerful – as it should, australia is a big and powerful country. it is nice to see a real 21st century parliament building.thx for the opportunity to take a look at it. i invite you to check our, it isn’t really that old, but made in an old style.
    greets from canada (:-)

  12. eazyefan1122 says:

    gayy im going der tommorw whats so exciteing about a stupid building

  13. smilejh says:

    Wow. It’s really good. Is this the NEW Parliament house? Can u tell me about the different venues of the parliament house that u film? I am doing a project on this. Thanks a lot!