3 Great Tips For Your Hen House Plans

3 Great Tips For Your Hen House Plans

Article by chicken tom

You might believe when you take on a project such as building your own chicken coup that it might be hard. Although there is a little effort involve its not that difficult when you take into consideration a few things, such which kind of chicken house blueprints you are going to use and the size of your new hen house you will have a good plan to get you started and you wont get lost on the way. Here are some great tips to help you build the best chicken coup that you can be proud of.

The size of your hen house

The first thing you need to known is what size of chicken coup do you need. For this you will have to ask yourselves some simple questions like How many chickens am I likely to keep in the future?How many eggs do I want some theses as opposed to roasting birds?How many birds all together if its over 8 then a small coup is not a good idea as it would reduce the amount of eggs layed, a medium or large coup would be better.

Ventilation and light

Good ventilation is key as if you live is hot or warm climate your hen house can get very hot and without the proper ventilation it will become uncomfortable and smelly with in turn can reduce your egg count. Good ventilation will also make it easier to clean the chicken house as it wont be as dirty and smelly as it would be if your ventilation was poor.

Light, your chickens love light and will reward you with eggs and whatever else you want off of them if you keep them happy and natural light and lots of will keep them happy, so you so try to locate your coup in a light source or if it simply is not possible give them some kind of artificial light to bask in.

Feeding your chickens

Feeding your chickens is of course the most important part of this whole thing. Your chicken will need to be feed and then they will give you eggs, great but if you don't plan this part of coup out then the feeding of your chickens can be very time consuming, so it is very important that you following your plans well.

So if you want to build your own chicken house then will need some plans or if you want more information click how to build a chicken coup

About the Author

Hey there if you want more information on chicken coup plans go to need some plans

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