A video showing me constructing a Modern House on the cliff tops in Sunset Valley. ***PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CURTIS ONLY ACCEPTS HOUSE SUGGESTS VIA THE MODERATOR THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE MAIN CHANNEL PAGE, OR ON THE CURTIS PARADIS SHOW WEBSITE.*** - Suggest a House: web.mac.com All my homes are now available for download at: www.thesims3.com Follow me on twitter at: www.twitter.com/curtisparadis Follow me at Facebook by searching "The Curtis Paradis Show" on Facebook.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Rushed Driveway! Bad Video , disliked
@MXLG21 you must really know nothing about sims
@MXLG21 when on sims click your charecter and it will come up with call and some other stuff click call and then scroll down and it should say move… choose a house and then… KNOCK IT DOWN or you can edit the house it will give you the options well this is how you do it on xbox and ps3 so im not sure if it is the same on like the wii or pc but try
how do you build houses????
House? more like hotel.
@joshdx23 Do you have enough money?
wow…just wow, cant believe this is like one of your first houses (if not your first) and dont take this the wrong way but your house havnt changed (in a good way) i love the way your so creative with them cant wait untill next months come come hehe. Hope you keep making them even if sims 3 comes out!!!
@Razikiruz3 2 things:
He doesn’t take suggestions from comments
Hogwarts is on his”Do Not Suggest” list.
i downloaded this house but it wont let me move any sims into it why?
That was way to fast for me to try and copy it
Stainless steal is ugly sorry to say
Little bit over board with the windows
There were some Walls in the inside that were not painted. Ah well, it was his first house video!
You sound sooooooooo bored right now
he forgot to paint the walls…
you sound like you don’t wanna do this
You sound so tired
@Razikiruz3 he says he doesn’t do Hogwarts
2 things i want to say….. 1: 46 seconds actually, not 44. 2:BUILD HOGWARTS, BUILD HOGWARTS!!!!!!!! XD =))
I’m so amazed that EA hasn’t hired you yet to make all the buildings for the towns and cities in the game! You would kick butt
That expansion or expansion you got?
@Mojogirl22 I think he uses FRAPS
i have a feeling you build the kitchen ALWAYS like the same way and also the couch placements….maybe try something different???