My Solar Power Back Up Power System For House & Shop OFF GRID ! Thanks To and thanks to And also for Nice Honda generator from They Are Really Helpful I bought All My stuff There ! My System includes 2 135 watt Kyocera panel at 270 watts Plus Midnite Solar PV Combiner Box For Panels Also A Mini 250 Amp midnite solar disconnect Box & A Morningstar pro star 30 amp Charge Controller & a Magna sine Magnum energy 2000 Watt pure Sine Wave Inverter With Automatic Charge & Generator To Charge Batteries I have AGM Batteries 27 series For or of them in Paralell which equals to 270 AMP Hours Each of Them are 90 AMp hours Deep Cycle Also Thanks To Taylor Forbes Equipment For my Honda EU2000 I Generator To Charge My battery Bank At night or for Back up when not Enough Sun I can Run All our Pleasure items in our 1500 sqft House Except Heat Pump & Hot Water But I have Propane Heat For Winter & gas Range To heat Hot Water & Ceiling Fan & Widow That open For AC during Hurricane Outages in Summer or Fall Thanks For Watching KVUSMC
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Prancinglion1 It Runs Our Whole Household & does A Very Good Job We Have Lights TV Fridge ceiling Fans Etc Everything We Need Especially Now Since Has Gotten Alot Bigger Thank You to for your service Army Dog Hoowah
I commented ealier about your system when it was half the size. It certainly has grown, but isn’t your system still a little underpowered? Also, you’re using it as a back up electrical system, but in the mean time are you still feeding the grid with your Inverter? I’m not criticising, simply inquiring. I’m in the developing stages of setting up a system right now, and was hoping to get some insight about what “NOT” to do, as well as “WHAT to do.”
Thanks for your service Marine…
@dogfan4lyfe I think They Are really Nice They should Work Great
Kenny do you know anything about solar pv shingles? It is a viable alternative to solar panels for those who don’t want the obtrusive appearance of the panels sticking out like a sore thumb on the roof?
@Alexplus20 Series Would Get Me 24 Volts Just Higher Voltage
Would there be much difference had you @4:38 wired them up in series rather then parallel?-(Forgive the n00b.)
@Prancinglion1 This System Is when I first started Out You Sould See My System Now Buddy Thanks
Seems like a pretty good set up, but also expensive. I wonder if you should add more PV panels to better balance your system. I’m thinking the rechrage time with two panels might not be enough to keep up with your consumption during a power outage. With a 2000W inverter, you should be able to increase your PV array quite a bit. Thanks for sharing info about your system.
@sorandomitscrazy Anytime
@kvusmc Thanks.
@sorandomitscrazy A System Like This Would Run You about 3.500.00 Buddy
@sorandomitscrazy A System Like This Would Run You about 3.500.00 Buddy
A System Like This Would Run You about 3.500.00 Buddy
How much did your system in this video cost? Im thinking about going off the grid, but I dont want something that is to expensive.
@onebigkahuna69 I have added Over 1350 Watts Since Then
country boy cansurvive,how much have you added since 2010?
Start collecting your pencil leads and don’t make the same mistake the Russians did. The RBMK really needs to be under computer control. … The Iranians and NORKS will buy all the waste plutonium.
@TalksWithDirt Thats Sounds Awesome Buddy
You should build an RBMK 1000 power station for your house. You could sell the excess power back into the grid.
@bakersfieldmusicnow lol
@bakersfieldmusicnow Sounds Good Buddy
huh me 661 326 1604
@bakersfieldmusicnow Just Give Me A Hollar Buddy
@bakersfieldmusicnow Just Give Me A Hollar Buddy
wow help me build one !