2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version

President Obama delivers the 2012 State of the Union Address to Congress and the nation.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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24 Responses to 2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version

  1. AHundredButterflies says:

    Just a few days ago, freed hostages in Somalia
    The man is working for you, America.

  2. AHundredButterflies says:

    Got Osama Bin Laden
    Unemployment rate 8.5
    1.3 million jobs created with no GOP help
    22 months of job and economic growth
    Ended war in Iraq
    Repealed DADT
    Not one tax hike in 3 years
    Exposed racism in the GOP
    Same wife for 15 years with no extramarital affairs
    Saved the auto industry and 1.5 million jobs
    Mortgage modification to save homeowners’ homes
    Still fighting for middle class families
    Reforming healthcare, making it affordable
    ONLY President to receive the Nobel Peace prize while in office.

  3. athews1976 says:

    That spilled milk joke was soooo flat. @38:40 The oblivious look on the republicans faces still made me laugh at how flat that joke was.

  4. AlthoughNotAFollower says:

    “This generation of heroes has made the United States safer”


    “…and more respected around the world.”

    More respected? Iraq? What’s Obama smoking? Clearly just another typical politician here.

  5. louisbrassyyy says:

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  6. surfcello says:

    Things I don’t like:

    His drilling for more oil and gas, just to become independent. I say invest in renewables straight away, so that they soon become cheaper than oil, gas and coal, even cheaper than imports.

    His vagueness about how an immigrant would “earn” their citizenship.

    His proposed increase in patrolling the market for patent and copyright infringements – does he support SOPA? Patents are a good thing to help young businesses to start up, but they shouldn’t be tradable.

  7. Osambasucks2 says:

    You are not a American so you don’t Fucking Matter you Ignorant Britt Twit!!!!!

  8. dmj47 says:

    I understand free speech but dont you have rascism laws in the USA that make your comments against the law and and an offence under that same law?
    I will forward your comments onto YouTube and the American Emassey here in the UK and seek a prosecution , speak soon Britt Twitt

  9. smitty221905 says:

    Dont believe the media suposed polls people, Ron Paul has collected more money from the enlisted military than Obama and every other canidate combined, you should take note to this sinc they are laying there lives on the line active. They want Ron Paul 2012, so do the vets and those aware of the attacks on the Constitution. God bless the people in the United States.

  10. Osambasucks2 says:

    Really Moron, gee We the Free People of the USA all can see that Insane Hussein Osamba is the WORST PREZ ever in the History of the USA!!!!!
    Osamba will take Carters place at the Bottom of the list this fall after We the People throw out that Lying Marxist Bastard right on his Lying Black ass!!!!!

  11. Osambasucks2 says:

    Really you Racist Piece of Shit, then you alone can start paying back the 6 Trillion Dollars that your Black Bastard Pissed away!!!!!

  12. Osambasucks2 says:

    Moron, because Insane Hussein Osamba added to it, that Lying Marxist Bastard did Nothing to Fix it….Uhhhh Duh Ass Hole!!!!!
    The Progressive Socialist Dumocraps all Lied you Blind Moron, they just kept spending and making Government Bigger! Then they made it so we can’t Work, are you that Blind or just an Ignorant Ass Hole?????

  13. Osambasucks2 says:

    But yet it is Insane Hussein Osamba that is suppose to be a Leader, and tit is Osamba that Asked Congress for another 1.2 Trillion Dollars!!!!!
    And it is Osamba that made his Failed Programs and Pissed away 5 Trillion Dollars!!!!
    Gee It is Osamba fault that the Country is in this Mess!!!!

  14. Osambasucks2 says:

    Yep we all know that Insane Hussein Osamba Really Sucks there you Stupid Little Kiddie!!!!!

  15. willypdyer says:

    ” The last hope ” …LOL
    What is that: a campaign slogan ??

  16. Lokoperuano5 says:

    Guys please, Ron Paul is a true American hero, a Constituionalist who is actually willing to fight for our freedom, fix the economic turmoil by bringing our troops back home, and ending the fed to stop this economic crisis. The economy may be improving, but it is only a SHORT TERM inprovement. Trust me, this guy’s policies is putting us into a deeper hole and will negatively impact our lives in the future. So please, do the right thing, search RON PAUL. RON PAUL IS THE LAST HOPE FOR AMERICANS

  17. willypdyer says:

    ” Osambasucks2 SUCKS ‘
    R Reagan 1985

  18. willypdyer says:

    and that’s YOUR opinion: Too bad – So sad

  19. willypdyer says:

    @bass109 WRONG:
    Jesus loves us all SO much: He could really care less
    As long as we’re HAPPY !!

  20. willypdyer says:

    @aSingleDallasGuy You’re an idiot..

  21. Imakeplanesboom says:

    @CASHNCHEX You love that obama tortures people? He has killed thousands of innocent people. How can you support that?

  22. StrangeCloudz365 says:

    INFORMED people laugh at the UN-INFORMED. Instead of connecting the dots, you who are, laugh at them……

  23. kreno11234 says:

    the president doesnt control the money…Congress does thats where the problem is!!!!!!!

  24. thedirtbag7 says:

    Everything this man says is just an intelligent twist on current events and why you should vote him back into office. He will beg to speak of changes to come and unification