The Haunting of Sunshine Girl – I can keep hunting ghosts! Hey everyone, I got the new camera! That wasn't that long of a break now was it? I'm driving my mom crazy with all these videos trying to get proof of my ghost at my house but i think she kind of likes it... except for when my camera just mysteriously dies on me and I have to get a new one. That part isn't so fun... and definitely put a kink in my plans to get some more equipment like EVP or digital recorder and camcorder with night vision
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to The Haunting of Sunshine Girl – I can keep hunting ghosts!

  1. jinndelva says:

    is it realy real life it seems a little fake DONt GET ofencive!!! oh um also i figured that the ghost shuting doors was not new cause why wood you start doing thesea fabulas vidieos for no reason at all

  2. dl7nicks1 says:

    If the ghost does not have any skills (cooking, cleaning and running erands). I will call someone to banish the ghost.

  3. chungarguello says:

    yea so i dont believe in ghost or demons… if anything its ETs fuking with u…. jajaja

  4. golgathakube says:

    I LOVE it to death hope you have a great day!

  5. golgathakube says:


  6. 3SUMZ8D says:

    word ur lookin for is exorcist :B

  7. tornadoandrew1 says:

    are you drunk ? your eyes are all over the place XD

  8. evanwalicke says:

    I tink she gots a demon.. i mean that video of sunshine with her face all red and the audio it might be ghosts and a demon. the audio i think says “HELP………ME…..” Repeated

  9. 1949563991 says:

    every time u get loud i turn the volume down then u get quit and i turn it up then u get loud agin and i go fuck

  10. elsabeism says:

    Omg you no wat ghost is not real wat are you talking about

  11. Hazel87100 says:

    get Victoria to help save the day!!!

  12. TheMeme2001pm says:

    is this real because it looks real :)

  13. Thastormable says:

    sorry to say (really i subscribed) but this is a fictional web TV series look at wikipedia they point out all the facts about this (if you want you do not have to belive me just wanted to point that out)

    does not mean i will not stop watching this.

  14. musicfox123 says:

    GET OFF THE WEB!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. musicfox123 says:

    YOUR A NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. TOSHT2011 says:

    Hi sunshine i was a subscriber to your channel last year & the start of this year & ive been away for ages missed your Awesome smile & your BLAH’S Hope you & your mom are well Love from the U.K TOSH xxx

  17. TTarOtaku says:

    The ghosts/demons/entities/beings being quiet after a major scare wouldn’t really be something to be comforted about, in my opinion. If these beings are feeding off your fear and stress, then what better way of generating it than by making you fear when the next occurrence will happen?

    Just throwing it out there, not wanting to scare you. More like give you a bit of advice. Don’t dread the next happening, simply anticipate that it will happen and be prepared to deal with it is all I’m saying.

  18. DjFrancoj says:

    you are cuter

  19. bono404ify says:

    Take a look at the hot girls on str8videos(dot)com

  20. TheCasu305 says:

    What did ypu do with the old camera that was haunted by the demon?

  21. Peffernusse says:


  22. joseriosjr1980 says:

    Dude your going to get yourself killed!!! Get away from all your curiosity.

  23. kyleigh061 says:

    Oh and I don’t look like Herminie. I mean come on guys. I am way cuter!

  24. Womanofmagic1234 says:

    thumbs up if u like it how she says; WHOOP WHOOP

  25. Alkan206 says:

    sweet <3