Maxed Out: Vanguard

The 18-34 year-old demo is one that grew up on great wealth and what we're facing could be the first real financial jolt we've seen. Sixty-five percent of college seniors plan to live with their parents after they graduate. When you consider that they also have an average of three credit cards and 73 percent will graduate with student loan debt, that makes sense. From a college student who has no savings, to a recent graduate trying to move out of his parents' house, to young people who are trying to stay afloat living on their own, this half-hour takes a look at the personal side of our economic crisis. Watch Vanguard on Current TV Mondays at 9pm/8c. VIEW more Vanguard & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Playlist here...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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24 Responses to Maxed Out: Vanguard

  1. blainealexander says:

    I know what you mean. But it’s better to have the opportunity to succeed that most people don’t have and the ones that do use. Instead of having no option and never having the opportunity to succeed. Not everyone will use it of coarse, but those who wish to will at least have the option to do so, instead of being forced due to circumstance of birth to not having any chance to actually succeed or uplift their lives at all.

  2. dannyland1 says:

    but that simply isn’t possible in the real world. I mean you could get the education, but when entering the workforce there simply aren’t enough “desirable” jobs to go around. Then you get these shit heads starting shit like Occupy.

  3. blainealexander says:

    Which is all true. But for the people who want the higher education, and don’t want to be limited in choices of work but can’t afford to actually go to higher education schools are left behind. Education is important and should be available to everyone, if you choose not to use it don’t. But it’s a good option.

  4. dannyland1 says:

    you mad and hypocritical, bro?

  5. dannyland1 says:

    There are only so many jobs available that require higher education. The people who aren’t as intelligent or talented will get left behind if they aren’t willing to get dirty. There are plenty of immigrants who have moved in and taken those jobs they could’ve had. There is nothing in the constitution that dictates everyone has the right TO higher education but you have the right to pursue one. And a side note, a degree from a for-profit college is worth nothing in the real world

  6. blainealexander says:

    No everyone can’t but everyone has the right to get the education they deserve and want. There is only so much someone with a high school diploma can do.

  7. Filiolus says:

    i want to kick that jake guys punk ass and teach him reality

  8. demonickknight says:

    why do all these ppl have cars?? I get the kids whose parents pay for them but the ones who are complaining about their living costs should be on the bus OR riding a bike

  9. mcline007 says:

    $400 sun glasses?….no doubt why he’s in debt!!

  10. mcline007 says:

    tons of well paying jobs on engineering, law, medicine and dentistry (in other words, no-university life) but you people choose the easy way. Well, then don’t complain and let immigrants make the money then

  11. blackjin21 says:


  12. bradleysmith11 says:

    that USC drug addict is so annoying. Just have to click on a different video after this comment. Gross ass fool.

  13. Greyfox404 says:

    I hope we get new Vanguards episodes here on youtube!

  14. dannyland1 says:

    This why Obama’s “Everyone has the right to a college education” is completely retarded, because not everyone can have six figure job, the world doesn’t work that way…

  15. hootiepaladin says:

    Why? It’s not the kid’s fault his parents are rich. That’s all he is–a kid.

  16. maximummask says:

    lol white people problems..and an asian.

  17. dillyjanjan says:

    I was going to ask if any one else wanted to beat the hell out of that rich kid but I see you guys more than covered it here. Good job!!

  18. jbeihl1 says:

    the two rich kids in the movie are disgusting, but they are young. with time, their attitudes will probably change, especially if mom and dad turn the spickett off. I was much like them eight years ago at age 20. and quite frankly they are acting like your typical 20 21 year old who doesn’t know whats around the corner. I cant say i dislike them for being naive

  19. reuscmar says:

    Spoiled rich kids…. Get yourself a nice drug addiction! Seriously…
    On the other hand, an economy that lives on credits is doomed to fail. And what is wrong with recuperating stuff from your family? I have almost the whole kitchen from my mom, and I live in my own house! Don’t see the problem. Money stinks when you don’t know its value.

  20. WUUUTISTHIS says:

    $7 dollars an hour? :(

  21. TheMetropolisMarvel says:

    Guy with the feather in his hat is a piece of shit.

  22. anmo0926 says:

    how about not get a car and take bus?

  23. susupoosa says:

    going to university doesnt just make you a produtive member of society. what about all the people who dont get a higher eucation?, yet they support the whole economy. im talking about mechanics, plumbers, electricians. Your right though, everyones entitle to their own opinion.

  24. susupoosa says:

    A paren;t responsibility isn’t to send their kids to college. it;s to raise and nurture them to be healthy individuals of society. whether or not that involves college is another question.