How to model house walls in blender

Learn how to model house walls in blender the right way by using bezier curves. This video is part of a series of videos aimed at demystifying blender for the average human being and is a part of I am constantly working on new tutorials, so check the blog often to see more helpful hints about blender. Please rate and respond if you liked this video and it helped you!

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24 Responses to How to model house walls in blender

  1. Naughtonizers says:

    how did you get the bottom Panel to show links and materials, curves and modifierand curve tools and things like that where you did the editing on blender like extruding with the .1
    if you can explain it or if you didnt understand the question please reply me that would be great.
    it is a very useful video.

  2. menschtx says:

    using the blender 2.56, where would I find the option to change the bezier curve to poly?

  3. boonbeats says:

    which version are you using?

  4. ICE1ICE2ICE3ICE4 says:

    Very Very Very helpful! Thanks a lot!

  5. Gamerdad81 says:

    Couldnt agree more

  6. cjoIIProductionz says:

    Instead of using a bezier curve, why not just make a plane

  7. rykelo says:

    Hi, I’m real new to this and was wondering how to get that door to show up? When I duplicate the wall and scale it down to be the door, everything still looks solid (no door knockout).


  8. orlyanimus says:

    I actually like your tutorial, but I need help in the coloring and texturing, How can I texture these walls created?

  9. JennandPaul says:

    I think I know what is happening. It seems that you are Edit Mode when trying to rotate the wall.Make sure you are in Object Mode and then try. Thats what it seems like to me.Write back with results.

  10. JennandPaul says:

    Hey whats up man?! I was searching for like 2 hrs., how to make some damn walls, and when I stumbled across this and followed your every move I was AMAZED this is by far the EASIEST way to make a core for a room. Not only the wall but that technic is just AMAZING PERIOD! And to ice the cake the uv map tip round of applause! Incredible tutorial probably one of the best I have ever seen.Going to suscribe for sure! Nice Work!

  11. AppleAirsoft says:


  12. AppleAirsoft says:

    Est quiet, est me, Ndala enemy, eh (x3)

  13. MiiYgamer says:

    its not like that, its like, u CANT move it outside x axis, nomatter what, the only way to b able to rotate or move it outside x axis, is if i put on the 3D thingy down there, but then if i rotate it the whole wall twists

  14. Rojuinex says:

    To choose the axis you want to move and rotate on press the corresponding letter. For example “x” for x-axis, “y” for y-axis, and “z” for z-axis.

  15. MiiYgamer says:

    uhm, i got same problem as the others, i can only move and rotate it on the X axis, could u pls help me/us out? ^_^

  16. 13Guitarsmasher13 says:

    AND BTW.. Make a tut on how to texture this walls :D .. Would be awesome. If you do it for us ill give u credits on each fucking site


  17. 13Guitarsmasher13 says:

    Thanks dude i love your tut <33

  18. Rojuinex says:

    I pres shift-d to duplicate.
    Then Enter to exit auto-move mode.
    Then G to grab and translate it.

    When I rotate the object I press R and hold down control, making the object snap to rotation values.

  19. biLo88 says:

    ahh i see know. You have changed the Roc X but said nothing about that :P . After i did the same it works like in your video.

  20. 13Guitarsmasher13 says:

    Oh and dude!


    when you duplicate the wall. i cant move it likte you do :(

    Plz tell me :D

  21. 13Guitarsmasher13 says:

    Sorry for my comment :P you said Hit C to slose it.. My bad :)

  22. 13Guitarsmasher13 says:

    Hit Z to close it !? I did press Z.. But it only goes in wireframe mode .. :/ plz reply! thankyuy

  23. Rojuinex says:

    hmm not sure. can you explain your problem more?

  24. biLo88 says:

    only i can move the object on object mode in all axis