The Hunters execute their plan to find Balsa and Chagum. Toya is trapped at Balsa's house as the Hunters lie in wait for her.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Hunters execute their plan to find Balsa and Chagum. Toya is trapped at Balsa's house as the Hunters lie in wait for her.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
probably a copyright thing…
Wow, that was a total nerd endurance moment right there. She actually didn’t do that much but since he was a total bookworm I think that was really all he could take.
She really did a number on him with that one blow didn’t she?
yeah Netflix just wouldn’t play certain episodes for a bit. it was weird.
Geez thanks for uploading this
I love this show! Just started watching it on my Netflix and my Netflix started acted up so I came on here and you had it