in this video series, we are going to be creating a gorgeous storage chest that is sure to be a favorite at your house. Over the course of these videos, I will give you easy to follow instructions, along with some helpful hints. First, we will create the front, end and back assemblies, by cutting and attaching the top and bottom rails and the vertical stiles. Then, well join those assemblies together, add our interior pieces, and add the four main walls of the chest. After that, you have to make a choice! There are two possible ways to finish this project. You can either create a basic chest like this one, or you can create a more traditional look. If you want to create the basic chest, we will take you through how to add the top, the trim, and finish that chest.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is not minecraft…
love your videos you make it so easy for people to copy well done..
You know this is the internet right? And not technically anybody’s home, right?
…..that it’s them not you out doing jobs no “American” would think of doing!
Stfu! Get a Life and Stop treating people as if You are better! I don’t think you go out in the blazing sun and are exposed to harmful pesticides to pick out the vegetables and fruit that you buy at your local grocery store. “Wetbacks” as you say are the most hard working race than any! And By the Way I’m Mexican!
They have families to provide for and they do anything that they possibly can for them! As I bet you do for yours as well! Instead of Looking Down on them be thankful
so many wetbacks man go home already
Hola: Me gustan mucho sus trabajos y son muy interesantes, poco a poco he ido comprando algunas herramientas como cierra circular, cierra caladora, una ingletadora manual ya que la eléctrica es muy costosa para mi, y me falta el Kreg jig master system que aquí no lo venden, esto con el fin de hacer un proyecto similar ya que no soy profesional en la materia, pero quiero aprender, gracias por los videos son magnificos.
@termiblaster What do you mean esplicame
Hello my name is Henry and I would like to have the manual that manufactured furniture could send me a copy thanks
Pardon my English, in realidd not nothing, I am using the google translator, I hope you can understand, greetings.
Hi, I’m from Venezuela and I really like this video, I like to make something like this or that reason but I have the tools you have there, very cotosas here in Venezuela, well at least for me, thanks for the video to enjoy much.