Terrific Tree House Designs

When it comes to building homes, there is nothing like a tree dwelling. A number of designers and architects deriving inspiration from nature have come up with the most unique and beautiful tree house designs that are also comfortable to live in.
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12 Responses to Terrific Tree House Designs

  1. thysis says:

    which music track is this? relaxing…

  2. austinpodann says:

    lmaoo i could just picture someone sleeping in a treehouse in the woods and a logger coming up and cutting the tree down

  3. austinpodann says:

    @NWM11Bravo its the music lol

  4. NWM11Bravo says:

    @gringodeltoro1 ;)

  5. lordportico says:

    Wow, us that Naha Harbor tree real?

  6. gringodeltoro1 says:

    @NWM11Bravo I’d say past life.

  7. NWM11Bravo says:

    @MrRyinoyea lol perhaps XD

  8. MrRyinoyea says:

    @NWM11Bravo no i think you watched to much avatar

  9. jeritonti says:

    how do these handle wind/hail…im in texas and i cannot imagine these is a good old fashioned hail storm…they are very beautiful…do they sway in the wind?

  10. NWM11Bravo says:

    why do i get the feeling that aliens live in dwellings like this on other worlds?
    I get a vision of a rain forest at night under a full moon with a large community of rock dwellings and tree houses surrounding a central pyramid…bright multicolored lights flying in groups of 3 dart around in the sky…bright yellow,bright pink ,bright blue and orange…maybe its my imagination…or an old memory from a past life.

  11. LaddSmith says:

    I love Treehouses too!

  12. spectrumtacular says:

    i’m so glad there are pine cone tree houses out there!