World Record for House Speed Building

Habitat for Humanity sets the world record for the fastest house built, clocking in at just under 3 and a half hours.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to World Record for House Speed Building

  1. trinichick27 says:

    @Qaddosh some people are actually professional contractors that are paid

  2. kdmq says:

    It took the experts… less than 4 hours!

    Now how will Canada’s worst handymen do it?

  3. UploaderA says:

    its great that they built it for someone who doesnt have a house ! i would be grateful is someone built a house for me for free man

  4. bumblebeeetuna says:

    did u learn nothing from the 3 little pigs ppl!

  5. 1Tanate says:

    That’s the kind of houses blown by tornados.

  6. krollaostmedburger says:

    they just use frefacricated shit. In Norway we BUILD the house. We don’t put it togheter like lego

  7. nenno31 says:

    f…… paper house … hehehe stupid american bigmacs

  8. jcb570 says:

    to the people that gave a 1/2 of your day to change a persons life forever
    may love peace and joy fill your lives forever

  9. yyyy2999 says:

    hey how about you guys build me a house for free, just to break your own world record?

  10. eeqaralak says:

    The world record for the fastest house is 2 hours 45 min. The Building Industry Assoc of San Diego County held a contest in 1983. Four 1500SF 3bd2bath houses with landscaping were constructed with the last two build as a race between two 350 person teams. A video is available from the building assoc.

  11. eeqaralak says:


  12. ihmesekoilua says:

    oh FFS… all you sad, pathetic overpaid couchsurfing know-it-alls need to learn a thing or two about charity.

  13. TheDeathCrawler says:

    That shit was pre assembled I want to see them build a real house

  14. DanDon2100 says:

    it’s interesting.
    the benefit from this video is take your time with PLANNING.

  15. Dynamitelog says:

    I would laugh hard if it fell over after the big cheer at around 1:58

  16. patrline5599 says:


    The house didn’t take 4 months to build; there were no tricks or dupes in this. Watch the video again, and take note that the forestry doesn’t change, and that this never shifts to night.

  17. CommentClown says:

    American quality at it’s best. Would you want a house built in a day?

  18. 666psychadellic says:

    let me go throw a rock through it

  19. GreenMountainGirl5 says:

    Wow, what a bunch of cynical, miserable people you commenters are. What’s the matter, this place looks a whole lot better than the rundown, dilapidated trailers you live in? Jealous a little? Why don’t you drag your sorry butts away from the tube for five minutes and do something for someone else. Might improve your moods a little.

  20. Restaurant25 says:

    Well I certainly hope those three fat asses Bonnie, Drone and Jackie lost some weight in that amount of time. lmao

  21. randyorton198325 says:

    yep i bet the dam thing did fall apart lol

  22. 1968DodgePolara says:

    I think the fastest stick build house NOT prefab is 6 hours 45 mins with 300 workers with all the stuff laid out 2×4′s all the borads siding,fast drying cement Truck for the foundation ect… at the starting line

  23. vaidotas86 says:

    you know..

  24. acidwarp514 says:

    i bet that house fell apart the next day…lmao

  25. vlineguy says:

    Wow that as fast, every time they do one like that im too busy to go watch, id love to see one being built with a beer in one hand and sitting on a lawn chair lol ,