Chicken Coop Blueprints – Building your Own Chicken Coop can be Quite Simple

Chicken Coop Blueprints - Building your Own Chicken Coop can be Quite Simple

Anyone can simply go ahead and buy a pre-fabricated chicken coop, but honestly, this is a real waste of money. Building your own chicken house can be quite simple with use of chicken coop blueprints, and this is highly affordable.

Here is an actual blueprint of making a chicken coop. Building the chicken coop frame is the first thing to do. The actual coop itself must be kept at least four feet off the ground. The reason behind this is that predators will attempt to catch and eat your chickens while they sleep if not kept high. So, you will need four corner posts that should be at least six foot long. These posts will be used as the main foundation for your chicken house. It is not really a necessity, but it is a good idea to put these into the ground using cement, about one foot below the surface.

Once you have your foundations set up, put the flooring in about four feet from the ground. You can corner nail the flooring in, but it is a better idea to place small 2×4 braces under the flooring where they will connect to the foundations. It will give a little extra support and a good spot to put your nails in. Then, you can put your roof on about two feet above the flooring; again, using 2×4 braces to nail it to the foundation. Don’t forget to angle the roof downward in the back so that rain and moisture can easily run off.

Now, simply measure between the walls and floor for height and from foundation to foundation for the back and side walls. Use at least ¾ inch of good thick plywood for this. Do exactly the same for the front wall, but cut out several doorways from the plywood where the chickens will enter and exit. You will need to take a 1×5 board and run it into the doorways angled to the ground, to make sure your chicken can enter and exit easily. Lastly, put a wire mesh fence around the chicken coop and you’re done.

For a step-by-step guide to Building Chicken Coop, check out our site for more free tips, building advices, product reviews, and more blog updates. Need more details? Start with our review on your blueprint on How to Build Chicken Coop.

Ian Maranon is writer with an avid fan of simple life with interests in gardening and pets, home cleaning and improvement, travel, and finance management. Check out his updates with Efrontiers Everyday Magazine Blog.

Take a look at chicken building information and updates on Plans Chicken Coop.

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