Hi guys it´s been a while since i upload a video here, why ? because of the school
ok before i say something else i want to say it, you need to know that my neighborhood wiew it is still not done there yet, so it looks little ugly i know! but later im going to set effects and detail and bring the world to life
you also need to know that this is just a small part of that huge neighborhood ok over to this house i have to say that it was hard and a challenge for me cuz i dont really like the lot, the house was fine but that lot was boring XD if you see i didnt make the top floor because it was actully not supposed to be two floors, i did a top floor so the house looks nice from the outside. my next project i think will be luigirules competition, you have to see i also still building on my neighborhood
___DOWNLOAD___ here is the download link: www.thesimsresource.com and one last thing: thank you guys so much
i have told you that many times but i really appreciate that
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Holy.. uhm.. house!..
nice house, check my channell ppl i would love an opinion.
When I am rich, I am hiring this guy to come up with the plans to my house.
how to save it
@THISISDANNYYYYY someone’s jelous…
The Sims 3 is capable of way more than I thought .____.
This is one of my favorites
nice view…
are you using expansion packs too?
i love living next to that waterfall lol xD
My minecraft house is way better!!xD
OMG u make the most amazing houses Ive ever see i though mine where good but there nothing to ur houses
I thought tht this house was gona b simple to b inspired by, but dude, no way! Its amazing
Dude you pick the best songs to go with ur videos
Dude you pick the best songs to go with ur videps!
@THISISDANNYYYYY shove a puckin’ sock in it if u dnt like the video o well just dont watch anymore hate ppl like you just so irratating
i like this house nd all his other creations
hey check out my new channel, I’ve made two castles on Sims 3.
i lovee it soooo much ! you’re great ! <3 and @THISISDANNYYYYY you are stupid, this is a great house, so shut up (A) xoxo
@THISISDANNYYYYY You’re pathetic
I’m only playing Sims 3 because of building houses.I don’t like playin’ with sims.
@TheSims3LpTp if you thumbs up, Subscribe to my new channel! JustRickLpTp!
Just one word: WOW!
wow!! ur houses are AMAZING!!