presenting the current houses from TUMBLEWEED TINY HOUSES www.tumbleweedhouses.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. hh5131 says:

    I love this music. Please tell me who this artist is and name of the song. Thx!!

  2. 1968DodgePolara says:

    Not that hard to make the plans yourself and build one or just draft one from a basic house plan and do the Math to downsize it.

  3. Sailor231 says:

    So dope. This is the way of the future. Wait till the crisis hits and everybody loses everything and has to start from scratch. This is where it’s at! Brilliant!

  4. cody1800212 says:

    Where do i put my piano??!?

  5. ZapeZeam says:

    Great music :D

  6. shredabilly13 says:

    @niketareed Yeah rob the houses !

  7. pinoykearo says:

    I can’t decide whether I want the fencl or if I want the popomo. I mean, I’d like to have internet and power in my house, along with a sink that’s not like a primitive bar sink. I’d probably go for the popomo, though, and add a new floor, making that floor for sleeping and the bedroom a computer room. Then I’d probably want to add solar panels and keep a battery bank in the back of a truck, then have some alternative power generator. I can’t decide if you guys should built it or local builders.

  8. niketareed says:

    @usersimdave LOL, yeah-it is a little bit gangsta

  9. niketareed says:

    @angelhealer1 Ummm… the guy who designed them is American, right? sooo…… And you can build these yourself.

  10. usersimdave says:

    Music just does not go

  11. ahguex says:

    Would the payments for these house be just like any other typical house on a monthly basis?

  12. ahguex says:

    I really like that you make “bigger” small houses also, when I saw the article on yahoo about the 96 sq ft house I was thinking it would be nice if they were just a little bit bigger then I came here and saw there was. Great job!

  13. rdstrcmmndr says:

    Great concept, wish I had one. Anyways yeah thumbs up good job Jay just saw it on yahoo quick question did yahoo feature you a few years ago as well? I remember reading something about you awhile back dunno where.

  14. browndemon386 says:

    just get diabetes or Alzheimer already

  15. TumbleweedHouses says:

    @angelhealer1 Actually, our builders are not illegals. All you have to do is watch the video. The men you see are very legal & very talented artisans.

  16. angelhealer1 says:

    Great concept but too bad illegals are used to construct them. If your concern is about the economy hire legal americans or move your traitor butts to Mexico and anyone who supports this company can go with. Just another get rich quick off the backs of legal americans. Buy a travel trailer and support American made products.

  17. bananian says:

    they pay for the location though.

  18. doolie9 says:


    It’s not ALWAYS cold up here in Canada, you know :P

  19. AngelBones84 says:

    These are so alsome ! We have a small house , tho I dont know if you would call it ”tiny” . Our home is 1050 sq ft and we live here with our 2 boys and 2 dogs . We live things simple and with this house , theres not much choice . LOL . Id like to have one of these one day when its just me and my hubby again , which is at least 18 years from now . lol

  20. pinkglitter721 says:

    These are amazing! They are SO small in my opinion, BUT I do live in a 4 story house. :)

  21. Leovenous says:

    We were considering a property to put a Tiny House on, but the stupid CC&R requires at least 1,000sq ft and a minimum width of 30ft. And they don’t allow trailers over the winter, so you can’t play that angle.

    What a racket!

  22. Cooldude898CP2 says:


  23. SpankDaGod says:

    What is the longest home they bulid on a trailor? Are there laws that restrict length they seem shorter than most rv trailors.

    Great Work changing one mind at a time :)

  24. TumbleweedHouses says:

    @BookishBirdy The tiny ones can be delivered to almost any state but for other countries, the transport would be too expensive. It is advisable to just buy the plan and let a local builder do it for you.
    We only offer the plans for the larger homes.

  25. BookishBirdy says:

    I wonder if they can get one of these houses to another country. I have some land in the Caribbean, one of the bigger ones would fit well while we build the larger house.