GENGHIS TRON - BOARD UP THE HOUSE - VIDEO. A DEMONRACE PRODUCTION. Metal / Electro / Experimental DemonRaceProductions Demon Race Productions

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  1. GothicVictoria1 says:

    DAFT PUNK stole this for the tron movie!

    i bet daft punk has made more money off that intro than these guys will in a lifetime.

  2. GothicVictoria1 says:

    DAFT PUNK stole this for the tron movie! i bet daft punk has made more money off that intro than these guys will in a lifetime.

  3. 7grady7 says:

    it’s like Devo meets Pig Destroyer meets Jean Michel Jarre! great stuff. Finally, Relapse scores with a unique band (other than Horseback)

  4. hirbelwirbel says:

    @coastdesk NAME SOME BANDS plz ! gimme input. So… I think I got you right- you say there CANNOT BE ANY ORIGINAL /UNIQUE new MUSIC ’cause everything’s been here before? G-Tron make a perfect mix for me, they blend it alltogether with their OWN UNIQUE musical expression…. doesn’t matter what’s been here before or which band ”grinded with electronics” at first-THESE SONGS HAD TO BE WRITTEN by them . Kudos to all you twisted musicians out there !

  5. coastdesk says:

    @hirbelwirbel first of all, what made you think I speak German? Second of all, I don’t dislike Genghis Tron, I like them, I’ve even seen them live before.. That is why I’m here listening to their song in the first place. I was only telling you that they aren’t original and other bands were using the electronic grindcore sound before Genghis Tron even formed. Not trying to be a dick dude but you should listen to some other bands that Genghis Tron was influenced by.

  6. hirbelwirbel says:

    @coastdesk und mit GRIMM werd ich sie strafen , die da versuchen meinen Musikgeschmack zu vergiften ^^. Why support Zeitgeist/AJones? check your facts !!

  7. coastdesk says:

    you must not listen to underground music much… this is far from original.

  8. TheDarkestDayOfMan says:

    Fuck me sideways. I am forever greatful that my mind stopped ignoring fantastic music purely because it wasnt standard mainstream crap. The musicality in this, is just astounding, im proud to call myself a metalhead with talent like this on the scene! Fuck what the “genre” is ~(Although Gnomecore sounds awesome) just be thankful shit like this gets written :D

  9. ditrapped says:

    @ReptarOnCrack Gnomecore i like that term. :D

  10. astralvis says:

    this song is part of my heaven on earth

  11. AllTimeIsRelative says:

    Nah, you see it’s all in their name. Genghis is the metal elements of their songs, it describes the brutality that Genghis Khan himself used to dominate and conquer many lands making him one of the most successful military leaders of all time. And Tron is the electronic elements, the bleeps and bloops of the ever-growing technological world and how it shapes our lives and minds. Genghis Tron is what you get when you combine the two.

    tl;dr Genghis Tron are EPIC! Enjoy.

  12. nugget6123 says:

    i love it, it puts most electronic metal to shame.

  13. ReptarOnCrack says:

    sounds like they are rainbow tastic, backwards pop, gnome-core……..

    i dig it.

  14. IoDecay says:

    this is progressive electronic death metal

  15. kangaroo62 says:

    i heard this before. i guess someone else was claiming it as their band lol

  16. PinkFloydrulez says:


  17. brandon8791 says:

    fuck this is good.

  18. azurescens420 says:


    You are a good person.

  19. LilKayKay4495 says:

    @MelloMorello You’re still gayyy.

  20. bokma7 says:

    I really miss this band…

    I hope they start working on a new album soon.

  21. kennykiller911 says:

    @MelloMorello u jelly?

  22. MelloMorello says:

    @kennykiller911 scenesters are still gayyy

  23. lodseth13 says:

    I’d say some kind of Cybergrind (although I don’t want music to be labeled) I listen grindcore and I like genghis tron and I will continue to like them even if their genre was considered pop…

  24. AllanHathaway says:

    Please follow the following steps:

    Step 1) See that search bar up there? Yeah, you know which one I’m talking about. Type in “Okkoto-Ken Griffey, Jr” and search it.

    Step 2) Watch said video.

    Step 3) Be fucking amazed by what you just saw.

    Step 4) Follow the additional step at the end of the video.

    Step 5) Tell your friends.

    Trust me, this will be well worth it ;)

  25. liukang0221 says:

    They remind me of Crossfaith.