A short tour of my Play House Chicken Coop. I am selling the plans to build this coop. If you are interested, please e-mail me at im-handy@sbcglobal.net, or search "chicken coop plans" on ebay.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A short tour of my Play House Chicken Coop. I am selling the plans to build this coop. If you are interested, please e-mail me at im-handy@sbcglobal.net, or search "chicken coop plans" on ebay.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
That’s a nice setup. It would be perfect if you could put that on a slope and clean out the roosting board with an irrigation system. You could let the run-off go into a garden or raised bed.
clen all this crap?? o you eat creap?
I really need someone to build me one of these… any carpenters out there need a job?
if your interested you can find a cool farmville guide at
far — mer — tips . — N e t ( remove — )
learn how you can easily build a healthy chicken coop
try buildachickencoop(.)tk
hi mate i duno what these isiots are talking about on your coments but your coop looks very nice and i am going to have a go at making one like this but with a slightly bigger run it looks brillient mate well done and nice birds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@thinkrevolution yeah he will, he is a master ninja trained in the art of stabbing. rofl
@thinkrevolution @IceViper77 will stab you if you dont stop arking up, its true.
you’re just jealous because you can’t afford a $2 Billion stealth bomber.
@IceViper777 — Get a life, kid. And stop living off of my tax dollars.
Dennis– got the plans printed out. Thanks so much; great detail, which I appreciate,never having done this sort of thing. Lots of information which I wouldn’t have thought about. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Yes, and it also helps attract their attention to the waterer in the first place.
that looks better then my club house
Please do a video showing how easy the coop is to clean out. Thx. I like this design best, of the many I’ve been researching.
that looks a lot like the coop i took out in iraq with my hellfire missile. this video was RIVETING and action packed btw. .. lol @ nub
I have built several chicken coops, and found the best plans to be the ones at:
Neat, we have a Dublin, GA, in The US. It is the home of the fighting Irish team. Are you closed to Belfast?
i wish i could shit that much
well there’s lots of shit in it!
When you have baby chicks you want to put marbles in the water so they don`t drownd, right?
Hello from Dublin, Ireland. Lovely coop..stands out from the crowd! Thinking of buying your plans. My husband has rudimentary skills and access to good tools and advice. How long do you think it would take him to build it?
umm probobally once a day
LOL @ the chickens in the window
Nice house