The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 2/4

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite's true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule. Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a "planetary regime" that would use a "global police force" to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century. Holdren calls himself a "neo-Malthusian" in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a "Science Court," where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don't conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren's "planetary regime". He also seeks to institute "de-development" worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back ...

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25 Responses to The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 2/4

  1. bichodomato5 says:

    @James60247″Your children stand on your shoulders. If you walk tall they will be high. If you slouch vice versa. The strength and height that you walk with is the starting point of the next generation. ”


  2. SeasonsWither90 says:

    “you must eat every creature on earth because they aren’t in God’s image and their brains aren’t bursting” hmm, no.

  3. James60247 says:

    @bichodomato5 You are saying that changes in physiology are possibly inherited but not all aquired changes are inherited.
    I would simplify it like this: Your children stand on your shoulders. If you walk tall they will be high. If you slouch vice versa. The strength and height that you walk with is the starting point of the next generation.

  4. bichodomato5 says:

    @James60247 Evolution is a fact but Lamarck was not right…well, maybe partially. The acquired epigenetic modifications can be inherited. [Bird, A. (2007). Perceptions of epigenetics. Nature 447: 396-398.]
    But not all acquired phenotypic changes are hertiable.

  5. Jai666666666 says:

    Plant trees! We are almost there, but not all the way yet.Now I know, you’re all made in God’s image and that your brains are just busting with intelligence so that is why you must eat every creature on earth because they aren’t in God’s image and their brains aren’t bursting, but some fucking fruits won’t kill you. I know it’s hard, you’ve all gone to kinder garden and they destroyed anything natural in you, but you must eat fucking fruits, you hairless apes, you must! I don’t need doctors!

  6. vitalsign77 says:

    I agree with alot of what they want to do

  7. SuperFloyd187 says:

    From my research I would probably say, if their is a dominant (some may call superior) race on earth, it would be the negroid race and if that race were to be wiped off the face of the planet, humanity would collapse.

  8. SuperFloyd187 says:

    @nicopopoify not if people are able to communicate with each other peacefully without the influence of finance

  9. OfficialJabberwocky says:

    9:46 LOL perfect use of a Hobbes quotation. Did you know? Hobbes was actually reincarnated! As Dick Cheney.

  10. OfficialJabberwocky says:

    this is scary. what’s scarier is i see this in the zeitgeist movies too, which are drawing in a lot of people it shouldn’t be

  11. mappingtheshit says:

    @stovnergutt I agree with those facts, dumb ass. I just suggest to kill you to reduce the population, since you are the smartest ass here

  12. James60247 says:

    Tarpley is not against evolution, though he also believes in the conciousness of the universe. I personally feel Lamarck was right.

  13. DREwestcoast says:

    @bkeener86 you bore me with all the diarrhea that just spurted out of your mouth, you rotten piece of fucking garbage, and take an english class while you’re at it, you shitty cocksucker, you even have your number posted on your site, you fucking idiot, I’ll flood your fucking line.

  14. bkeener86 says:

    @DREwestcoast also i could fit the entire planet’s human population in new jersey and still have between 980-1000 square miles left so stop trying to push you overpopulation bullshit and you can tell them i said that what are they going to do about it bitch & moan then contine to sit on their asses and live of everyone else the answer is yes.Don’t try to beat me or i’ll dig your hole even deeper you dipshit.

  15. bkeener86 says:

    @DREwestcoast they’d all be dead by now i mean they’ve ask for how many bailouts yeah exactly so shut it.They can’t even manage money so that basically means all tasks that are more difficult like hunting,building,growing food aka farming,making new cars once theres is fucked,list goes on and basically the truth is they’ll fuck themselfs over.You can’t learn something you don’t know without be taught and unfortnately only the working class know all of them so keep on dreaming dumbass.

  16. bkeener86 says:

    @DREwestcoast also idiot redneck food reserves are low meaning almost gone don’t try to argue this as it’s a well known fact not to mention resources are low but of course you believe you god will restore everything yeah goodluck with that and comeback to reality.anyone that works is the working class meaning kill them and you might as well as kill yourselfs.Who’s going to hunt for them if they kill all who actually get’s off their asses.Elite’s are lazy if they weren’t allowed to steal money

  17. hukiroo says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha!! Charlatans, Fanatics and Kooks….oh my!

  18. TravelingCoder says:

    Evolution has a lot of evidence to support it. I usually find when someone does not believe in Evolution, they typically know nothing about it and believe everything some biased anti-Evolution nutcase says. That really makes it tough to take these conspiracy people seriously. The Theory of Evolution just describes what happens in nature, it’s not a life philosophy. Just because you believe something happens in nature, does not mean that you think people should do it.

  19. thewhisperingeagle says:

    @NIMONIMONIMO333 ‘That which can be reasonably implied’ is the content that Mr. Tarpley is sighting here. Genocide may not be specifically cited by Darwin and Malthus but their writings suggest it clearly. This is known as ‘reading between the lines.’

  20. catalinaguerrero says:

    @NicktheSickLunatic wrong. “”If government told everyone tomorrow they needed a walking license 50% of the population would march down to town hall to fill out the paperwork to apply.” — Randy Weaver

  21. NIMONIMONIMO333 says:

    why does he consider Darwin or Malthus as bad (I don’t remember them saying there is a need for genocide), I think it’s how people take & interpret the information. I think people argue over little things a bit too much & lead themselves into illogical interpretations, maybe because they are sadists too!

  22. nicopopoify says:

    The more people on this planet the greater the chance of war

  23. DREwestcoast says:

    @bkeener86 you’re wrong , fool

  24. MrPoeRichtv says:

    Fuck these chumps… This is god country

  25. thecenturyegg says:

    @markymarkuss777 …no no no, i was pointing out that the space in which a human takes up isnt the main contributor to your point….asia africa etc are dust bowls full of cavemen with machetes, you can rule out 60 percent of the world as its desolate, also take into account economics, and food delivery logistics..your being too basic in your point….and when i drew attention to it you shifted your point, i was pointing out that your elementary idea about manhatton is very basic and not thort.