Building Muscle Is Like Building a House

Building Muscle Is Like Building a House

You will be asking.. is this guy crazy! what sort of nut job is this guy! How can building a house be anything like bodybuilding. When someone first explained to me this theory I was like this man must be insane. After five minutes of listening to him, I understood that this guy was an expert he knew exactly what he was talking about and most of all he was bang on right.

When you first come to build a house you need to lay out the foundations. You need to plan and prepare. When you first come to the gym this is the key factor that will determine whether you succeed or fail. This means you need to start by planning. How many times are you going to go to the gym? What days are you going to go to the gym? When you get to the gym what are you going to do? If you do not have a plan with the gym then you will end up walking out the gym doors after a week never to be seen again. Just like when you build a house if you do not plan correctly the whole thing will come falling down.  

Bodybuilding is about starting with the big foundations and then building on top of them. Many people try and just jump in at the deep end and try and hit the heavy weights. This always ends up being a big problem as it can lead to injury. Think about it if you rush building a house you may forget to put in some key elements that will mean the house isn't stable or there could be a leak. This means that you should spend time realising what you need to do and working it all out.

The first step to body building is getting the basics right. Learning how to peform exercises with the correct technique. The first step of building a house is putting all the right materials together. The next step of bodybuilding is adding to the foundations and working on the smaller muscles. The next step of a house is to work on smaller rooms once the main groundwork is up.

The final work of a house is to make sure that all the furniture is in and every so often you change it up to keep things fresh. The final work of bodybuilding is to work on individual muscles and change your programmes every so often to keep them fresh.


I am a personal trainer that can help you to reach your fitness goals. I give constant advice on the best way to build strong muscles. If you want big muscles you need to check out the 300 workout

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