National Cancer: ‘No plan treats debt, just its growth speed’

The Democrat-controlled US senate has shot down a Republican-led debt ceiling plan, just hours after it was passed in the House of Representatives. The plan, put forward by House Speaker John Bayner, would have raised the country's debt ceiling by 900 billion dollars along with a similar amount in spending cuts. And as the clock ticks down to August 2nd, when the debt limit is reached, there's less time to avert an unprecedented default crisis, which might prompt the US to lose its top-notch credit rating. Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid now hopes his proposal will see a compromise, which could keep the government afloat. And, according to economist Max Fraad Wolff, this plan is more likely to get the green light. RT on Twitter: RT on Facebook:

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25 Responses to National Cancer: ‘No plan treats debt, just its growth speed’

  1. 2tur says:

    @Damienm7 One shoe.. Gee- What a load of shit. Studio apartment? You’re not poor, nor are you hungry. No lower class Citizen is able to afford a bloody apartment. It seems to me that you never acquired a proper education.. Not because you were “poor”, but because you lacked the will to do so.

  2. Damienm7 says:

    @2tur so yes i did grow poor 1 shoe for 4 years school , during my career preparation i was living in a very small sutdio apartment sometimes i would go to bed hungry cause i have no more money or even arrive in class sleepy due to studying all night to achieve my goals . i have nothing to prove to you i know what i went thru in life seems the only life you have is work , sleep , jerk off . why dont you just die like mum ?? !

  3. Damienm7 says:

    @2tur assistant manager for Mcdonald’s LMAO !!! hey faggot my resume says : 4 language spoken , 4 years business class , 3 years as chef de partie at Mariott Hotel in indonesia i even prepared a meal for Gordon Ramsey when he came on vacation with his wife ( if you even know who that is lol ) and recently finish the aviation which always been my dream now working for charter airlines in Bora Bora as a F/O so didnt have time to respond to your gay comment working as you can see unlike you .

  4. texasB666 says:

    @sloppymantis Offcourse :) Everytime i feel like a sack of shit or when i worry to much about money, this world and all this bullshit caused by greed i remind myself that i’m taking life to seriously! Cause when you think about all this shit how does it affect you? I mean really? And i’m sure many of us delved into the whole conspiracy and zeitgeist thing and wut not. All these mo mo’s think they got the answer by watching fucking youtube clips? i mean, c’mon :D

  5. sloppymantis says:

    I wonder why one of m y comments here has like 56 thumbs up.. but one with 5 thumbs up is the top comment?

  6. sloppymantis says:

    @texasB666 haha also add to that list.. when strangers save each others lives.. when a person pauses while mowing their lawn to let a moth flee the danger zone.. I honestly believe that our true nature is not violent or dominating.. however there are a few folks who propagate such ideas for malicious intent.. Even the shaman after his journey into the other realms returns with wisdom to live in this samsaric world. To deliver as many sentient beings to enlightenment as possible

  7. texasB666 says:

    @sloppymantis Hey man, i feel you you know? I believe i said a couple of weeks ago to someone: ‘It seems that the only thing that makes sence is to be an misanthropist.’ Lots of mood swings. First i despise the human race, then the next day something changes and i love them again. Thanks to beautiful experiences like ayahuasca, shamanism, love, life, art, etc… this world/life is worthwile :) Cause trust me, i’m 25 and sometimes i felt like an 80 year old. Don’t worry too much, mate :)

  8. candykane10 says:

    imagine you are in school with a 4.0 GPA which is a job well done for hard hours studying. Now imagine there is another student with a 2.0 that is struggling. Teacher informs you that 1.0 of your GPA is being taken away from you to help the stuggling student. This will give both a even 3.0 GPA …does that sound fair for all your hard work? Welcome to the republican party.

  9. MoeMH1212 says:

    @sloppymantis My friend, only the stron deserve their own strong mind. Let them try as they might, in the end, they will need u to be with them for them to survive. Dont be scared of them. We started the world, let us keep it.

  10. junkers1337 says:

    Its not China the US has to worry about. It has to worry about its own citizens. Only 4 trillion of the 14 trillion is owed to China, but the other 10 trillion is owed to the people.

  11. AznCracker13 says:

    “they just change the speed at which it grows” Stop spending people!

  12. SH0LVA says:

    America should raise its debt ceiling as required to continue its glittering debt-party. Finally, it is financed by credits of the Chinese government.

  13. SH0LVA says:

    @Stevie68000 Your antisemitical ‘exposition’ is not only disgusting but simply wrong. E.g. Joe Ackermann is a genuine Swiss guy. Have you ever considered to see see your psychiatrist? It might be a surprising fact for you, but these people can therapy your Jewish conspiracy paranoia.

  14. SH0LVA says:

    (ff2)…spies, untermination from inside, etc. is required. China could simply rely on the most important habit of the capitalistic American human: Greed. 邓小平 however has never thought to take over the whole western civilization by his simple idea, derived from history and even strongly influesnced by the Japanese rise of the 70′s. Today’s conspiracy-nuts are too stupid to see the simple fact. They blame Jews, the NWO (or whoever else) for the decline of the whole western civilization.

  15. SH0LVA says:

    @sloppymantis In the late 80′s China didn’t have a military problem, but a pressing economical problem. Maoistic communism have had used all resources. Ther great 邓小平 (he studied political sciences and history in Europe) was somply aware of the fact, how the ancient Roman Empire collapsed. Since his country was urged to walk on the other side of the street, he developped the economical ideas, that boosted China from a poor nation into a superpower as we know it. No conspiracy mumbo-jumbo,…

  16. sloppymantis says:

    @novoiceless Hello. The people in the us are just regular. They are easily controled by threat of loosing wealth.. threats of losing children.. fear.. etc.. If anything we are guilty of the same mistakes as well.. trust and ignorance.. However your taking joy in the potential suffering of others is something different. That is to be feared more than the peasants in the USA. perhaps instead you can take joy if they become enlightened or liberated?

  17. sloppymantis says:

    @SH0LVA absoultely!.. hey have you read the Art Of War? Sun tzu outlines exactly what I see going on around me all the time. It is fascinating. Kennedy spoke of it too. You dont need to invade with bombs and armies.. you can undermine them from the inside with spies etc.. Though Sun Tzu makes clear and deliberate sense.. I feel i would fail.. for I concern too much for fellow humans.. and would not necessarily make a good general

  18. sloppymantis says:

    @MoeMH1212 :) Indeed! But be careful.. If we question the herd.. the narrative.. we will end up on a little list.. of heretics.. or what ever other name they will call us. And when the poop hits the fan.. that list will be rounded up first.. cant have humans with reasoning skills and logic free and reproducing!

  19. sloppymantis says:

    @texasB666 THank you. You are correct. My anger I suppose is not necssarily at the people themselves.. but at what is done to them through media and propaganda. I recently learned that there are still people who think terrorists blew up the the 2 towers in the US. That takes some serious skill to convince people of such a rediculous idea when EVERY single thing told to the public about that incident, if looked into, reveals lies.. I love all my fellow humans truly.

  20. Stevie68000 says:

    Real enemy of Greece, Europe & America – Jew

    Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein is Jew

    Deustche Bank CEO, Yosef Ackermann is Jew

    IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky is Jew

    Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss is Jew

    World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick is Jew

    Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke is Jew

    Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan is Jew

    Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner is Jew

    George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson is Jew

  21. zsezse215 says:

    It’s da fault of da debt. Not their fault. philipnute com

  22. 2tur says:

    @Damienm7 So you grew up poor? I think you have the wrong perception of what “poor” is. “poor” means you are below the poverty line, the house you live in is very broken-down or collapsing, there isn’t food on the table. Your perception of “poor” means riding motorcycles, owning thirty or so of them, shitcanning poor people and claimign your better than everybody else. I never failed at life; and my mother is proud of me; I send her money any chance I can. Roster? I’m asst. Manager.

  23. Damienm7 says:

    @2tur car/ automobile same thing you dumb ass , you want to know what is your problem ? you are a jealous lil bitch – people who succeed in life makes you mad . i come from a poor family but i work my ass off in school to become the success i am today and my parents are very proud of me because i never back down even when it was tough , but you failed in life this is why you work Mcdonald’s so stop hating on people who climb the ladder to success

  24. 2tur says:

    @Damienm7 When did I ever say Mcdonalds wasn’t Amerikan? What is a car? You mean “automobile”?

  25. Damienm7 says:

    @2tur well then i dig up her corpse and fuck it while you watch :) i dont give a fuck how hard my words go on you now you looked for this . what’s next are you going to spell car = Kar because there’s a ” k ” sound lol you work for Mcdonald’s and that’s american you dumb shit for every Hryvnia you people spend there america makes most of the profit . i mean really dude how stupid are you ? maybe your slut mum would still be alive if she did not have you !