A Dating Revolution: The Four Man Plan with Cindy Lu

Cindy Lu has been an actress since the age of 19. Her performing years have brought her a diverse range of opportunities and experiences. She spent several years as a founding member of Seattle's Jet City Improv, enjoyed a two-year stint at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, worked in theatres in several states, and acted in dozens of commercials and television appearances. (Credits available at imdb.com.) In 2006, Cindy Lu wrote, produced and performed her one-woman show, THE FOUR MAN PLAN (www.thefourmanplan.com). In 2007, her book THE FOUR MAN PLAN was published by Random House. (currently available at amazon.com, ebook available at lulu.com) All the while Cindy Lu cultivated a full compliment of woo-woo skills and is now a Reiki Master, Feng Shui intuitive, energy healer, animal communicator, channeler and an ordained minister. She worked closely with Taoist Master Hua-Ching Ni and helped to edit 5 of his books, including THE POWER OF THE FEMININE. Cindy Lu is currently co-authoring a book with physicist/chemist/healer Carlos Sebastian on an advanced form of kinesiology and well as her working on her next solo projects both fiction and non-fiction. She is also producing THE FOUR MAN PLAN programming for both the internet and television. She counsels women, men, and couples in matters of mind, body, spirit and relationship. She lives in Topanga, California with her husband Earl (the first success story of The 4MP), horses, dogs and enjoys cooking, horseback riding ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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14 Responses to A Dating Revolution: The Four Man Plan with Cindy Lu

  1. buildsbest says:

    @MortenB0 Here here.

  2. 00CARITO88 says:


  3. alovelylittledeer says:

    i love this woman, that laugh is wonderful!

  4. msmiller1122 says:

    This lady’s plan is a mess from the very start. Take a look at the “The 4MPlanner’s Credo”: It says in #2 “always tell the truth when asked a direct question”, in #3 “Be honest”, so are you supposed to tell those four men that you’re dating all four of them AT THE SAME TIME? or are you supposed to lie to them ? how is it that you’re not treating them as things? Well, if you play with men this way, you’ll get the same back. If there’s no self respect, don’t expect respect from them.

  5. smp156 says:

    if you’re looking to date, then GET THE FU*K OUT OF NYC
    NYC Sucks shit
    move to montana or idaho or colarado
    fu*k Seinfeld and Sex in the City

  6. 4ManPlanner says:

    @andreagurrl I’m all for whatever type of connection people feel comfortable and happy with. The Four Man Plan can help the 4MPlanner figure out exactly what it is that they want. One of my girl’s once added a couple to their Mantrix Graph to explore that option. She experimented and ended up with just one man.

    The 4MP can lead you to your true heart and give you the tools to communicate it, no matter what you are looking for.

  7. MortenB0 says:

    I am a man, and still think this video is great.
    To often I see nice loving women ending up with a dishonest and ego man living unhappy the rest of they’re life, or at least until divorced.

    The reason is a combination of our society that raise and teach men like that and that men covers they’re insecure and hard-to-deal-with feelings with a attitude that in time becomes them.
    Ahh, so hard to explain this accurately !

  8. andreagurrl says:

    I love Cindy’s Attitude!!! Man so many women need to watch this!! So what about open relationships??

  9. gerry2345 says:

    Cindy is wild…. A man Eater..

  10. ExoticCalli says:

    Good and fun interview:)

    Cindy has a great energy!

    I agree men love competition without a doubt. And they love to pursue.

    But I don’t believe in going on a second date if you didn’t feel any interest or spark initially. It just becomes more awkward to break free later.

    If the guy bores you or you bore the guy nothing can save you.

    Personality compatibility is key. If your personalities mesh well then there is potential for something to develop.

    And of course attraction is important.

  11. AmethystChrystal says:

    What about universal non commitment? Everybody would love everybody without any bonds… I don’t believe in “the relationship model” of today… But yes, we have to change our selves to remove relationship problems, that is obvious.

    ~It’s complicated

  12. LivDelicious says:

    I knew you two would love each other! Yes!!!!

  13. artsyou says:

    What a great idea! Both participants knowing they are only that, participants It allows each potential partner the freedom to move forward or backwards without guilt because the “contract” can be used as an exit…. and so the heartache isn’t as great while the reward of a possible match is developed as both agree to the next step… Reminds me of a TV program called “Sweet Home Alabama”. Very interesting reality show about dating if you have not seen it…

  14. catch1024 says:

    South Florida is calling you Lilou! :)