A wild video appears, watch it to see what its about! This is just a quick Pulse special on all (or at least most) of the new Diablo III information from the July 27th Press Event. Below you can find a list, a pretty long list, of all the relevant links. Thanks to all the sites and channels for the amazing content! ^.^ Text Version With All The Links - bit.ly Conference Call - bit.ly ► Related Links ◄ Diablo III Beta Announcement - bit.ly The Auction House Explained - bit.ly Diablo 3 Press Event Visit - bit.ly NDA has lifted - here's the main points from the press event -- bit.ly Blizzplanet: 2011 Diablo III Press Event Coverage - bit.ly Blizzard Will Let You Sell Your Diablo III Loot For Real Money - bit.ly Hands On with the Diablo III Beta - bit.ly Diablo III Mods Are Forbidden, Banned, Not Allowed - bit.ly Get Rich Playing Diablo III - go.ign.com Diablo 3 Auction House Introduces Real Money Transactions - bit.ly D3 Beta Preview - Hands On With Blizzard's Latest And Greatest Loot Fest -- bit.ly D3 Auction House FAQ and Information - bit.ly D3 Will Let You Auction Your Loot For Real Money - bit.ly July 2011 Press Event Wrap-up - bit.ly ► Force Strategy Gaming D3 Coverage ◄ Why Skill Points Were Removed - Jay Wilson Interview - bit.ly Runestone Changes Coming - Jay Wilson Interview - bit.ly How Will AI Scale? - Jay Wilson Interview - bit.ly Why We Can't Pick Attribute Points - Jay Wilson Interview - bit.ly Coop, End Game and Console Plans - Jay Wilson Interview - bit ...
@leebmc91 Play them both when D3 is out and you will see, very different experiences
wow whats the diffrecnce between diablo 3 and wow? there the exact same shit now
SlyeGuide,com is the webs number one spot for DIABLO III up to date information, best gameplay videos on Character/Classes, the Rune system, Followers, Artisans AND MORE! All of the information you need for the widely anticipated DIABLO III release, check us out SLYEGUIDE,COM! check us out
@TheDCshoesdude Yea, 60! O_o
has it been relesed yet how many levels there will be?
@JCompany8 Haha, I dunno if that is true. I mean sure, they COULD do something like that.. but really now, do you NOT enjoy any of the Blizzard games? I absolutely love all of them so far. (No, I am not just saying that to sway public opinion, I actually enjoy the games!)
@BigLpunchline Rumor has it there will be… but aren’t sure how long it will take them to get that out!
I have a friend that works at blizzard and he told me they actually have a team that goes on forums and youtube posing as fans to sway the public opinion in blizzards favor. Blizzard also tend to give beta keys to sites and video bloggers that backs their decisions, so they can give away to their viewers. I guess we are seeing a lot of this manufactured support right now. I am going to inform everyone of this. Copy and paste if you would like to help. Thank you.
Will there be a console version of the game?
@mandigal Haha, gotta be careful about that, I guess!
@IngoGarza Aww that is great, thanks a lot IngoGarza! And yeah, I have to say that Leo did an amazing job in Blood Diamond.. the best Hollywood South African accent done to date, for sure
I’m glad you found the episode useful. I recommend you check the StarCraft one out that’s coming tomorrow or Saturday morning, those are usually also quite exciting! ^.^
@powahfull Haha, the game of HISTORY you say?! Sounds about right! Thanks for the comment powahfull!
@TheMightyForge You only pay once!
@FennoVidz Haha, I honestly think the game will be a lot of fun… and yeah, making a bit of money on the side is cool too
I love the Wizard and her skills, all look like such fun! ^.^
@Rage487 Oh, and their campus is absolutely amazing
@Rage487 lol, I think we will have to see how it works out, honestly. I don’t think just any old items will be able to sell for real money.. it just wouldn’t work. I see the in-game gold AH being a lot more popular. As I said, though, I do feel that it is something we will have to see in motion before judging completely…
Why would you not want to work for them? If you do you could try influence their choice and make the games even better, if that is even possible!
@ashzwz It will be a once off purchase. You will buy it once and not pay any sort of subscription like you do in WoW…
@ashzwz Aww great, that’s what its here for ! ^.^
@TheGryoz Haha yea, I wasn’t sure what that was at first… lookes so weird. I thought it was the enemy mobs attacking like that or something
@craftchest Thanks a ton CC!
@kkplx That’s great, at least there was something new! ^.^ Enjoy!
@CiberwolfX I dunno, I never really have problems with stuff like that and the South African internet is probably the worst in the world. If I travel anywhere with a laptop or something I will just play something else! I feel that it is probably better to just do that to keep the cheating / hacking out!
@djinny11 Yeah, I think it will be great… I wouldn’t miss any of it for the world!
Like the idea with real money AH inside the game. However i suspect that i’ll spend much more money by buying stuff , than earn it by selling
Wow, u should definitively have more subscribers! Very professional and some real source criticism.
Loving the links to all u talk to, and really like the South African dialect, fell in love with it during the movie Blood Diamond.
U got my sub!