How To Build A Greenhouse From Recycled Materials

Learn how an eastern New Mexico gardener constructed a greenhouse from recycled materials. From the Southwest Yard & Garden series.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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4 Responses to How To Build A Greenhouse From Recycled Materials

  1. kendigjl says:

    @Alyzabeth01 It isn’t easy coming up with a difficult to understand concept like chicken wire. That’s why it wasn’t invented until 1844.

    And although it was invented 168 years ago, not everyone has an understanding of how it can be used. Fortunately, we have Wikipedia. Which happens to be where I found out everything I needed to know about chickenwire, including that it is inexpensive and is commonly used to prevent animals from eating plants. You should try looking at it some time. No offense.

  2. kendigjl says:

    @Alyzabeth01 Yes, if they were allowed access to the plants they probably would. You’re not the most creative person, are you?

  3. kendigjl says:

    Put a few warm blooded chickens in there, and the the place would be a few degrees warmer, you’d get free eggs, and nitrogen. Not to mention you’re already using heat lamps, and your chickens could soak up some of those rays that might otherwise land on the floor/tables/etc. It would take a little more planning of course, but that’s half the fun, right?

  4. AmyLuthien says:

    Interesting, but how are these built? I was hoping for more details/plans.