9/11: The Tip of the Iceberg (Part 1 of 2)

July 2001! - US plans to invade Afghanistan for an attack on Osama bin Laden and the Taliban by October 2001. a) news.bbc.co.uk b) www.guardian.co.uk Sep 4, 2001 - The White House approves plans to invade Afghanistan. www.usatoday.com Sep 5, 2001 - US pulls the plug on Muslim websites. www.guardian.co.uk news.bbc.co.uk Sep 10, 2001 - The White House's battle plan to invade Afghanistan and topple the Taliban and Osama bin Laden awaits President Bush's approval. www.msnbc.msn.com John Oneil (Able Danger) flight training: 1. Four hijackers' ID'd as al-Qaeda before 9/11, officer says www.usatoday.com 2. 9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early Identification of Chief Hijacker www.nytimes.com 3. Former assistant director of the FBI and an expert on terrorism John O'Neill starts his first day of work at the WTC. (Sep, 10, 2001) archives.cnn.com 4. Officer Says Pentagon Barred Sharing Pre-9/11 Qaeda Data With FBI www.nytimes.com 5. Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00 nytimes.com 6. Much Larger Able Danger Archive: summeroftruth.org Mohamed Atta: 1. Several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers make six trips to Las Vegas and seen in the local Strip clubs. www.sfgate.com 2. September 7, 2001 - Alleged hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi both seen 'wasted' at a Hollywood, FL bar called Shuckums. www.usatoday.com www.sptimes.com Henry Kissinger: 1. November 29, 2002 - President Bush names former Secretary of State, former National Security advisor, and former ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to 9/11: The Tip of the Iceberg (Part 1 of 2)

  1. onesmartgal says:


    I knew what you meant and couldn’t agree more. Similarly the lack of disclosure on everything relating to extraterrestrial encounters and contacts makes me suspicious of their motives. Many presidents have seen UFO’s and many have stated they wanted disclosure. Other countries made their files public but we’re still stuck with “Roswell was a weather balloon” when we all know that’s a absurd.

  2. HardcoreJungFunk says:

    @onesmartgal Agree that they wont – it will be a forced investigation if it ever happens.What I meant was that the official version of events is flawed as there are far too many holes and inconsistencies, they haven’t PROVED their own “19 hijackers” story.
    To me on a basic level the US Govt and its agencies have been FAR too secretive on the whole 9/11 saga, and the lack of transparecy they demonstrate makes me suspicious of their motives

  3. onesmartgal says:


    If we wait for the US government to tell the truth regarding 911 when might that be? We’re still buying the story that JFK was killed by Oswald, that Bobby Kennedy was killed by Sirhan Sirhan and that Roswell was a weather balloon!

  4. JZJYRWO says:

    PROOF: NO PLANES CRASHED 9/11 (see my channel for the real story and how it was orchestrated)

  5. HardcoreJungFunk says:

    @zezt Not a clue, a full independent subpoena led investigation is required to establish what happened on 9/11. It is the US Govt that needs to provide the PROOF for its story NOT the general public. We still don’t know 10 years later

  6. HardcoreJungFunk says:

    @LadyLiberty1885 Sorry the 19 hijackers US Govt conspiracy theory is the most ridiculous theory of all. The US Govt had foreknowledge of the attacks- just read their links with ISI in Pakistan and warnings they recd bfore 9/11.And all the war games to simulate attacks If the whole of 9/11 was merely a “failure of imagination” or just complete incompetence then why wasn’t ANYONE held accountable? No-one was fired infact people were promoted.

  7. zezt says:

    @HardcoreJungFunk so if not a 757 what do YOU think it was?

  8. HardcoreJungFunk says:

    @zezt How many plane parts did you see? The 757 weighs approx 100 tonnes. From the available pictures showing this would account for about 100 pounds of wreckage. There would still be 100 tonnes of wreckage missing unless you believe the plane “vaporized”
    Where is the remaining 99.9% of the plane?

  9. Search4diabetescure says:

    Jews and treasonous Americans did 911. I’m talking Israeli and American Jews, and American gentiles – most of whom are Protestants and Freemasons.

    When the truth comes out that Jews did 911 along with Protestant accomplices, there will be hell to pay!

  10. MrSwift05 says:

    People of the USA your Government Are SHITTING on You and they don’t care… Stand up for your rights…And by the way Who ever asked the USA Government to be the world POLICE and why do the help overthrow other governments how have OIL
    I love the US people but your Government needs to change

  11. keule420 says:

    i dont get it.. why you guys discuss about pentagon.. IF there was a plane, the CIA, FBI, government or whoever would have shown one of the videos to proove it.. simple as that! but they didn’t!!!! it is so obvious..

  12. AwesomeBeatles says:

    Is this what we have become ? Ones in power are mudering the people of their country ? I am afraid this is true. It is way past time to reason with these pyscopaths. I think we know who they are. They want to enslave you, wake up. Watch “America, Freedom to Fascism”, on You Tube.

  13. Sept11Discovery says:

    Let’s put pressure on them….Support the Sept 11, 2001 Discovery Project!

    Let’s do it again….on pay per-view!

  14. dominic150 says:

    @zezt That part was Resource Services Washington, the accounting dept for the Pentagon. It is where the pentagon lost 2.3 trillion dollars. All of the computers in this area were destoryed and the money was never looked for. Part of the reason not to question the “Official Story”.

  15. zezt says:

    @dominic150 some think that ‘is it a plane or not?’ is a diversion away from WHY THAT part of the pentagon was targeted!

  16. dominic150 says:

    @zezt I have seen footage that shows wreckage, and i have also seen footage that shows a clean lawn with no wreckage. So it is hard to say one way or the other. The “Offical Story” says that the plane disintegrated and the small pieces continued on into the 3rd ring to make the hole. So if the velocity of the plane was high enough to take it all the way to the 3rd ring, why are there parts on the lawn period? They would have had to come out of the hole, but pieces were way off to the side.

  17. lastpatriot4America says:

    the simple fact that no lone gunman has shot any of the true criminals in this hole thing is proof. They killed Kennedy and his brother and MLK. And 911 was an inside job.

  18. DivineFellowship says:

    @zezt — What? The little painted blue and red shred at a kid could pick up and carry? That was either planted “evidence” by Zio-spooks, or it was a piece of wreckage from the military drone that hit the Pentagon. The small engine seen at the site was no match at all for a jetliner. It was one of the engines of the military drone that hit the pentagon.

  19. megamogx says:


































  20. LadyLiberty1885 says:

    @madtown99980 Oh really? WHERE? Cite your source.

  21. madtown99980 says:

    @LadyLiberty1885 That ridiculous & pathetic Popular Mechanics article has been TOTALLY torn apart & debunked you brainless douche. Get a clue, and then get a life.

  22. DrMrPeters says:

    @LadyLiberty1885, finally someone who isnt half-retarded

  23. LadyLiberty1885 says:

    Also, the conclusions about WTC 7 used here are regurgitated Tin foil hat theories posted almost verbatim on several other wingnut sites.
    Try some real science and look up the popular mechanics article “World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest”
    Thousands died due to Jihad, not a conspiracy.

  24. LadyLiberty1885 says:

    Also, the conclusions about WTC 7 used here are regurgitated Tin foil hat theories posted almost verbatim on several other wingnut sites.
    Try some real science and look up the popular mechanics article “World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest”
    Thousands died due to Jihad, not

  25. LadyLiberty1885 says:

    I love 9/11 Truthers. They talk a good game like in this video, but when you boil it down they’re full of crap and just really miss The X-files too much. The number of people it would take to accomplish what truthers propose happened makes it impossible that someone wouldn’t have blabbed by now and are so desperate not to place blame on The Religion of Peace – or as I call it the Religion of Pieces.
    Occums Razor, people.

    Go to sourcewatch and enter John O’Neill’s name.