Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 34: Special Plans

We spend some time on the storage room, doors, talking about stuff, and I reveal the plan for the upcoming 5000 subscriber special. (ShoutOuts) TheFanaticGlitchers: www.youtube.com BrenyBeast: www.youtube.com ZawBanjito: www.youtube.com FreakEntertainer: www.youtube.com Docm77: www.youtube.com scjoiner: www.youtube.com World Download: www.fileserve.com Donate: www.paypal.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 34: Special Plans

  1. wingedkuriboh98 says:

    good job……nice aiming

  2. minecraftfan4173 says:

    (for first part) hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  3. shyCOREProductions says:

    Why is it that whenever I watch a minecraft LP the people playing are always 40 year old men?

  4. VGguy49 says:

    Make the smaller version of the RS nor latch, it will give you infinitive power.

  5. MrFerndel says:

    I liked War for Cybertron

  6. oronnotru says:

    that was an epic button cuz it made unexpected things happen just like you said Etho.

  7. yimboman says:

    ethoyour such a honest videomaker its hard to find someone that isnt all for the money now a days

  8. ItsRG4M3R says:

    But theres already emulators …

  9. banderi002 says:

    15:30 Time Warp D:

  10. Zachotaco8 says:

    At 6:12- beats pig twice with bow, shoots it once, then finally pulls outs his sword.

  11. Chase9548 says:

    Its lapis, lupis is a terminal disease…

  12. Timyo123 says:

    when i saw that house, i was like FUCK YEAH! its much better than mine, i made mine out of dirt…

  13. willgameforgold says:

    If you wanted to get videos in 720p from 1080p, you could reduce the size of your videos in your editing software by a 1/3 and that would make your videos 720p (give or take a few pixels). I also know this is an old video, but just in case anyone is reading.

  14. willgameforgold says:


  15. gorilla30100 says:

    umm… i don’t know how to understand those sounds the mobs were making when he went hyperspeed…

  16. 99sjur says:

    I LOVE THIS, your show better the tv!!!!!!!!!!! so why not donate let’s do it!

  17. franciscov306 says:

    Best funny person Eva etho is cool in minecraft brb I have a date with my girlfriend

  18. unk33 says:


  19. andysim232 says:

    ive lived in houses smaller than that =)

  20. xVerbati says:

    Wow, around 10:23 it sounds like a girl having an org*sm, and at 11:50 did he say your mom or what?

  21. IWIIVI says:

    Breny is BEAST

  22. OpalCreeper says:

    Awesome house etho!!

  23. NityNitserk says:

    @EthosLab I wish I could donate but my parents would’nt let me :(

  24. NityNitserk says:

    Transformers is awesome!!!

  25. MegaCraft312 says:

    it looks like an outhouse … :D