Building the White House in the Sims 3

It is finally here, The White House. This was an incredible build and I think it turned out well. ***PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CURTIS ONLY ACCEPTS HOUSE SUGGESTS VIA THE MODERATOR THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE MAIN CHANNEL PAGE, OR ON THE CURTIS PARADIS SHOW WEBSITE.*** - Suggest a House: Download the house: Behind the Scenes of making a Sims 3 youtube video: My Website:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Building the White House in the Sims 3

  1. Pokemonfeverforever says:

    What expansions pack do you need to build this? :)

  2. Beezus141 says:

    Shrubs shrubs are fun!

  3. ChristopherAEricksn says:

    Im gonna try to build that…

  4. MrPianist101 says:

    @mjakes20 So… are you calling me a protestant? If so, I’ll let you know this, I’m not. I am a Christian. and don’t judge for being Christian; Catholosism is a form of Christianity. :D

  5. gryzek01 says:

    its real

  6. L3Michelle says:

    About 23hours or so. He mentioned it in the video

  7. freedomhorsez says:

    Dude! How long did that take you?!?

  8. saske393 says:

    Can you also download this for Sims 3 Pets? Or only Sims 3?

  9. legocpandnerfrcool says:

    did you make the presidential office??

  10. ifarterd20 says:

    @MrsKimHeeRyung He explains that in the video.

  11. MrsKimHeeRyung says:

    Wait, how do you know the inside of the White House?

  12. FranandNeve says:

    that was amazing you are realy a pro at this

  13. mjakes20 says:

    @MrPianist101 Well, you know us catholics, more sane than the flaky religious protestants :)

  14. CityFlashLights says:

    I don’t believe u don’t know the presidents name

  15. TheAtomicFungi says:

    Spot On! The only thing I really noticed is in like the green blue and red rooms there no wall its just roped off for us tourist to see

  16. JasynVictoria says:

    i looooooooooveeeeeeeee itttt

  17. 123WhiteHawk123 says:

    @MrPianist101 And the freedom to marry our cousins!

  18. mrdipallins says:

    that little dining room is the family dining room- that’s where the family eats when they aren’t in the private residence on the top floor and when they aren’t using the state dining room….its just much more informal haha

  19. TheSheperd2000 says:

    I saw no basketball court for President Barrack Obama.

  20. MrPianist101 says:

    Ahh… the White House… Where lying idiots known as politicians live.. The best preident we ever had, in my opinion, was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country” Either him or george wahington.. Either way the perident we have now, whose name will NOT be mentioned by me, Is the one i dislike with great intencity. If you’re going to flame/hate on me.. Rememeber the 1st amendmant: “Freedom of speech and press.”

  21. WonderEvita101 says:

    wow this is amazing!

  22. amatt999 says:

    @jadenhailey1 if you go into edit town, and build, it doesnt take any money.

  23. jadenhailey1 says:

    @mznightmaremaddy Thank you I tried building a sort of replica of the white house and ran out of money FAST!

  24. mznightmaremaddy says:

    @jadenhailey1 with the motherlode cheat =D

  25. jadenhailey1 says:

    How could yo have enough money to afford all that furniture???