Let’s Play Minecraft – Ep.107: Cave Spiders

Sorry for having another long delay in the LP series. Things should be back to normal schedule now. Today we experiment a bit with mob behavior, fishing rods, talk about base plans, and check out the nearby, cave spider infested, abandoned mine shaft. Donate: www.paypal.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Let’s Play Minecraft – Ep.107: Cave Spiders

  1. manurealmadrid777 says:

    what the fuck is this shitt fucking people who play this game need to get a life how the fuck did i end up here from a red dead redemption video

  2. coltonbliss says:

    the creeper face has braces!

  3. ColinSteve98 says:

    GUYS! The reason he uses so many torches is because youtube makes things dark as shit

  4. jacobromu says:

    Etho, you just seem to place torches at random, don’t you get lost underground a lot?

  5. beybladefan1111 says:

    00:31 sheep pig chicken cow party

  6. dacooki3monster says:

    the mine shaft dirt rooms that you come acroos are actually the spawn chunk of the mineshafts so when you find one if theres a mineshaft branching of from it its a new one.
    basicly its a whole new mineshaft system

  7. EDVFTW says:

    You use way to manu torches when you are mining! Holy Shit.

  8. diegonikki says:

    15:53 its where the old workers in the mine used to sh1t

  9. AgustinNoesEverythin says:

    I’ve gotten that same dirt chunk before in my save…
    I think it’s a slime chunk.

  10. applepieloverceleste says:

    you can also destroy sponers it takes like 20 seconds

  11. applepieloverceleste says:

    in every 7 minecraft days it rains but if you sleep it rests

  12. Minecraft69FAN says:

    oh GOD pls dont ever replace this guy @Ethoslab with a SON of JUSTIN BIEBER pls !

  13. Minecraft69FAN says:

    HEY @EthosLab i got a question , im the reporter of minecraft , im here to get your fuckin autograph ! , just comment !!!

  14. trapaholic97 says:

    hey etho I thought id give you a little tip a fast way to get railroad tracks if you want is to pour your water on them just letting you know. :)

  15. MinecraftTehPro says:

    @nikko480423 The question that should be asked is “What does it mean?” Go ahead and try to answer it. Your probably going to just search it up.

  16. nikko480423 says:

    @MinecraftTehPro you dont know what that means

  17. nikko480423 says:

    @MinecraftTehPro i dont really care

    btw no i am not

  18. MinecraftTehPro says:

    @nikko480423 Wow, you are a homo-sexual and a pedophile combined. You are so dumb and retarded you don’t know anything. Go search it up.

  19. nikko480423 says:

    @MinecraftTehPro here the zombie spawn is there are 2 chest in one of them i ofund 1 disc 1 iron pickaxe and 4 diamond + seed so fuck you you rly sux.

  20. nikko480423 says:

    @MinecraftTehPro no it was an spawn not abounded sheft

  21. MinecraftTehPro says:

    @nikko480423 You found it in a abandon mineshaft chest.

  22. Unh3lpful says:

    The mobs are going back because your damaging them.

  23. nikko480423 says:

    @MinecraftTehPro well i found it in the chest so i dont realy care.

  24. MinecraftTehPro says:

    @nikko480423 Yes, zombie spawner chest. I know that. But you cannot find 4 diamond, 1 iron pickaxe, and some melon seeds. You usually find saddles, cocoa, iron, gunpowder and other stuff. No, spider spawners do not have webs. Cave spiders have webs around them. No, I am not a little sister. I’m not even related to you plus I’m not a girl.


  25. ItsRG4M3R says:

    Lol at 28 30 now I know why spiderman has to do that finger thing.