The Best Home Workout – Exercise Routine

Here is the perfect workout that woman can do at home. This can also be done by men. These workouts help the entire body and can be done in 30 min. If done properly you will see results within a few weeks. more strength, energy etc.

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25 Responses to The Best Home Workout – Exercise Routine

  1. juany88elizabeth says:

    She makes it look so easy! Super fit girl. I’m definitely gonna try to get to her level although I highly doubt I can lol

  2. gordis1517 says:

    Ok. This kicked my butt! This workout is awesome; it’s now my new favorite! Gahhh…my legs are jello.

  3. tenzin7197 says:

    first m like this is so easy i can do it… n when i try it m like uggg i cant do it :P

  4. ComedianSchool says:

    she is so fit!

  5. donflare says:

    i can bearly walk now lol

  6. Sachen12364 says:

    The first day doing this workout was painful! But I’m keeping doing 4 days. My muscles still hurt, but I fell better now. Great instruction! Thanks buddies.

  7. JasonnFitness says:

    nice good vid, yall check out my page.. sub me!

  8. atlaswingpasaway says:

    you, sir, are a good instructor.

  9. Fallynn838 says:

    Love this work out! Thanks!

  10. ItsOgebabe says:

    Ok this is reallllyyy hard

  11. hmmygirl2 says:

    Hello there! Have you tried intellectus 424 diet (google it)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my sister lost tons of weight with it.

  12. ImaniiFresh says:

    Yessss Sir!!!!
    I Feel Tha BURN!!!!!

  13. jillianliqi says:

    Is this a good, balanced workout for both cardio and strength? I m a newbie but the one thing i learnt today was u need a balance of both :)

  14. jillianliqi says:

    omg i KEEP ON FALLING OVER and hv to hold on to something during some workouts. How many sets of 12 do we do? One everyday? I timed it, it’s about 20 minutes for one set of 12 including all parts of the routine

  15. Zaria456 says:

    Had a hard time doing this for the first time, but I’m determined to get it! SN: This guy reminds me of Tony Rock!

  16. josebreyna says:

    Timberrrr….just need to keep trying thats all

  17. josebreyna says:

    Dang if SHE is all wobbley aint no way i will not timber over…hmmm lets try

  18. inLife2012 says:

    She has the perfect body.

  19. Saekaeru says:

    @vojo4anime I don’t think that’s true. You slowly need to build this up, so first do the minimum amounts of time or laps that he mentions, don’t use any weights yet and push for your limits and try to extend them with time.

  20. Saekaeru says:

    @Komentuotoja Why would it not work? It’s not some product that you’re applying or slimming medicine that you’re taking. You are actually working your body and training your muscles if you do it right. Now I bet the woman in the video works out a lot since she does this with ease, but it certainly isn’t going to be bad to do this for a couple of weeks, so just try like I am! :) 

  21. OneLifeLetsLiveIt says:

    too bad i just can’t skip right to having her body…

  22. moncerimce1 says:

    After this exercise I feel very good and full of energy:) IT REALLY WORKS:)

  23. audree29 says:

    i loved thssss

  24. SickleCellSistaHood says:

    Oh yes, and a stabilization exercise that is for beginners? I haven’t watched all your videos so perhaps u can point me in the direction of which ones are applicable for beginners and compromised individuals. Thanks much appreciated!

  25. SickleCellSistaHood says:

    Hi DeStorm – Can you post some more videos on developing one’s core? Especially for individuals whom are chronically ill, however have medical clearance and are well enough to exercise. I know for me personally my core is weak, which has thrown my balance and equilibrium off – or so I believe. Also are there any additional exercises that help with balance and stabilization you mentioned in this video?