The Minecraft Files – The Minecraft Files #17: Stone Pueblo and Fireplace

By user request of Kyle82309 and foxguy47 I build a stone pueblo and almost forget the most important part...the fireplace! Lucky for me I remembered! The Minecraft Survival Guide: "Title Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to The Minecraft Files – The Minecraft Files #17: Stone Pueblo and Fireplace

  1. SuperWasian says:

    I’m surprised that there isn’t any more likes than what this video has. It should have at least 20,000 views and 400 likes.

  2. ORindustries says:

    you need 1000 more likes

  3. EvilHedgehog12 says:

    5 people didnt like the stone pueblo and fireplace XC haters dont post comments!!!! it makes us sad

  4. xXShiftyRaptorXx says:

    I make pueblos for all my houses now! :) 

  5. BlueNinjaVids says:

    guys this was back in february hes not taking requests

  6. MrJJevan says:

    Make A sandstone Pueblo

  7. SoraHero05 says:

    @SoraHero05 ChimneySwift11

  8. SoraHero05 says:

    How do you make a hidden room

  9. Mremilerambo says:

    make a toilet

  10. JohnnySpykeGaming says:

    why in the HELL did i just get an ad about male leg waxes

  11. SilverShazeandBlaze9 says:

    Chim! Make 2 different Pueblos out of glowstone and Netherrack!

  12. yoyobros123 says:

    Make sure I subscribe again?
    Thank you for watching Chimneyswift11

  13. BryanKern99 says:

    @97bailzz painterly

  14. 97bailzz says:

    anyone know the texture pack?

  15. RabidSimsFan says:

    Stone Pueblo
    I wonder how much Mincraft Insurance will charge you to insure that

  16. RabidSimsFan says:

    Chimney do you have Minecraft Insurance on your Pueblos?

  17. Zombiebagger27 says:

    @jackass011000 you need iron ingots in the shap of a door

  18. twilightking10 says:

    I just noticed that the furnace looks like a toaster on that texture pack. XD

  19. kellycrz1 says:

    you should make a cake!!! please!? :( 

  20. jackass011000 says:

    yeh i need to make a metal door but i don’t know how to make stone bricks can you help

  21. jackwatsonkunce says:

    chimney(sp?) i believe that if you took the fence posts around your garden and pushed them back 1 so theyre around the grass not on it and you put wood under them it would look great my opinion though

  22. xFrost47xMaplestory says:

    First off you are an AWESOME youtuber.
    I just have 2 suggestions.

    1. Make your intro a tad shorter. I like the part with orange text but the explore, survive, etc. seems a bit overboard.

    2. Add a small 5 second annotation saying something like “Likes help out” or “Rating reminder!” because those really help people remember to like and make you bigger in the community.

  23. xFrost47xMaplestory says:

    No Shit Sherlock.

  24. dyingblaze9 says:

    5 seconds later… floor gone and all your pueblo’s

  25. bernardooliveira98 says:

    can u put a link for this texture pack that u r using?,i dunno how u put the default weapons of minecraft in a painterly texture pack!