Beer Bottle House “Empty bottles. Full life” -Panasonic ecoideasnet

For more eco ideas follow us on: Tito Ingenieri built his house out of six million empty bottles. He will gladly teach anyone how to build this kind of ecological house that recycles materials and keeps the streets clean. In his town of Quilmes, Argentina, people gladly give him their empty bottles and admire his artistic creation.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Beer Bottle House “Empty bottles. Full life” -Panasonic ecoideasnet

  1. ReaperAHHH says:

    wow he shits in a bucket, i bet he saves it to make homemade Mcdonalds

  2. bustismos says:

    La casa ubicada en Los Naranjos 767, en la Ribera Quilmeña, ARGENTINA sorprende por su forma y construcción. Botellas, frascos, y más botellas, todo lo que la gente tira, Rubén Adolfo “Tito” Ingenieri lo junta, los recicla y lo convierte en una obra de arte.
    Hace 16 años, el río se había llevado todo, entonces, comencé a utilizar botellas para reemplazar los ladrillos que no podía comprar, lo único que tenía en claro, era que quería una casa distinta”.

  3. bustismos says:

    “TITO” is a pseudonym or pen name. He is argentinian!!

  4. MucusFelidae says:

    The whole city drinking for him…his liver would not make it alone.

  5. RooRtoker101 says:

    you wouldnt want to fall over

  6. BooGooNFlowoo4Evoo says:

    @leayape Thanks for the compliment. I saw a video called “Baan Sabai House” and I thought: I want to build a house like that some day.

  7. leayape says:

    @FKASG9SSM Well “building for the last 19 years,not drinking for the last 19 years ;)

  8. leayape says:

    @zekehooper You are mean lol

  9. leayape says:

    @BooGooNFlowoo4Evoo Guy you are soooo right,you are just brilliant!!

  10. leayape says:

    @thebigE32 And he is not the one who’s been drinking for 19 years either !!

  11. TheMarcosfurer says:

    es una porqueria realmente el estado deberia trabajar y ocuparse en reciclar quiere darnos ejemplos que con eso se es feliz?jaja!!ocupense de dar fueness de trabajo asi la gente no hace boludeses!!!

  12. zekehooper says:

    All Icould think of was I wish I had a pellet gun or sling shot with all those bottles around.

  13. PR0boszczPL says:

    skubany ; ) dobra wątroba

  14. BooGooNFlowoo4Evoo says:

    At 1:42, he starts talking about how the open necks of the bottles whistle loudly in the wind. I think bottle house is a beautiful and cool idea, but he should have soaked the labels off and turned the bottles vertically. Embedding the neck of the bottle in concrete would solve the insect problem too. Plus, he’d have needed about half as many. He could have stacked bottles of uniform height in rows and added horizontal supports for each row.

  15. MyXxRockXx says:

    polski żul zbudowałby z swoich wszystkich butelek replikę WTC :) 

  16. WariatSm says:

    Jakby pozbierał butelki w polskim akademiku to by mógł blokowisko stawiać :) :

  17. aannak3331111 says:


  18. DzbiQu says:

    jedno gradobicie i chuj go strzeli :D ale teraz czekamy na odpowiedź Świebodzina!

  19. Rosol568 says:

    Kto z mistrzow łapka w gore :) 

  20. KayLyn170 says:

    5 people obviously don’t drink beer.

  21. MajorMilkman says:

    Jakby pozbieral butelki w polskim akademiku to by blokowisko mogl stawiac :) !

  22. marracotube says:

    @Aamonath Not true. I recognize many different “retornable” bottles. The Quilmes beer is the most evident (1:34).

    At 1:16 it only shows wine bottles, but even those non reusable bottles have more ecological value as glass to recycle than as “bricks”, which are cheaper than wood on Argentina…

    6 million bottles are valued not less than half a million dollar.

    The dude says he’s poor, and surely he could not pay the brick and concrete one, but is not ecological and not an example to follow.

  23. Aamonath says:

    @marracotube Actually, the bottles he used for the house were the ones he couldn’t return.

  24. marracotube says:

    In Argentina beer, Coke, Pepsi, and most bottles are “retornable” -should return to the drink manufacturer-, except the ones for export, like wine.

  25. marracotube says:

    @Aamonath That’s pointless. He is damaging the environment and economy of a developing country. In Argentina those bottles should be returned to the seller to be used again, saving the environmental costs of manufacturing new bottles. That’s why those bottles have high value.