Killer Home Workout Program here: You asked for it and you got it. Here is the workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home with very little space and just one single piece of equipment...a medicine ball. This medicine ball workout is called my "8 Is Enough" workout, since it is comprised of just 8 exercises performed in circuit format, one after the other. Medicine ball home workout is something that takes the excuses out of why you can't get in your workout. Anybody can do this and get the benefit of these cool exercises, since it only requires that you have a 6-12 pound medicine ball. The great thing about medicine ball workouts are that you can literally take them on the road with you as well. Now I know that not everyone would want to throw an extra 6 pound ball into their suitcases when they travel, but if you know that getting your workout in is going to be tough, then packing the extra med ball might not be a bad idea. You can use the medicine ball home workout to get ripped, six pack abs by incorporating lots of direct and indirect core work into your exercises. You can build muscle and burn fat by doing the strength building exercises that you'll see in here while keeping the metabolism churning as you motor through the exercises in circuit style. After you have passed the test and completed this Medicine Ball Home Workout then it is time to head over to http and get your copy of the AthLEAN X Training System. This 90 day program is built ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Perfect! I am not going to lie. I wasn’t able to stand up with martial crazy move. I working on it !!!!
Excellent! Truly a full body workout. And the buttock exercise is often forgotten especially with the medicine ball. I own two hard medicine balls, this convinces me to add a soft medicine ball to my home fitness equipment.
Five stars!
JDCav24, thanks for all the vids you share. In Lak’ech.
Love this video. Great concept and well put together. Nothing too hard but definitely effective. Great post.
I applauded the squat move by clicking like.
Was that a hard Medicine ball you were using or a soft 8lb Medicine ball?
This is awesome & great ideas …Thank you!!!
Im just starting out.. I bought a 8 pound medicine ball.. i’m 5’6 female, 110 pounds.. is 8 pounds to heavy for me? should I have got a 6 pound one? I’m just wanting to tone up and show a bit of definition.
Great ideas. Thanks
some good stuff here mate
this a good fat burner?
lovely stuff man…thanks
he is using 12 pound medicine ball as he said in the start of the video..which is 5.5 in kgs
What weight is that medicine ball your using,thanks
Like that situp squat move!
Great work! Good angles. Let me know how I can improve my fitness training video work.
shit i
buyed the other one
Hey, video looks very nice, but i have a few questions about that 8.
1 – You recommend it for a wurm up or what ? Its definitly not full trainning so what im suppose to do ? repeat all exercises 3 times ?
2 – Should i do it everyday or 3 times in a week or what ?
(Sorry for my awful english0
This is the most encouraging and inspiring fitness video I’ve seen. I’m so gonna do this. Just have to get a medicine ball. Thanks, Jeff. You are da man…
After many, many years of Wolrd of Warcraft, junkfood meals daylie etc… I realized I wuz going in the wrong direction… so I bought your guide, and in 3 months, I managed to lose more overall body fat than my friend that used 6 months so far, its insane guys! I really reccomend u this!
Try a bunch of sites online. Just google “soft and hard medicine balls.” I wish you success in your journey to get/maintain your desired fitness level
Where can you get one of these balls in Britain, or anywhere for that matter? Please can somebody send a link. Thanks.
DAMN Jeff, when you do the Lung w/ Overhead Twists, and the camera is in front of you, your chest and shoulders are freakin’ huge and defined (no homo) haha.
Awesome workout.