GARN Smokeless Wood Furnace Demo & User Interview

Visit with Floyd and Pam as they candidly share how their GARN® wood heating system (WHS) has enriched their lives and enabled them to claim home heating energy independence. Our GARN - Volume 1 - Stories of Energy Independence In this video you will discover: - Why Floyd chose GARN over all other wood boilers - The importance of thermal storage - Why GARN wood heating systems last so long - How Floyd and Pam saved over 00 on fuel oil - Why Pam loves loading their GARN - Why GARN is good for the environment To learn more about the smokeless GARN wood heating system visit or call 800.333.4729.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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3 Responses to GARN Smokeless Wood Furnace Demo & User Interview

  1. violafinishda says:

    The big Oil corporations are trying their best to stop free energy ideas from spreading to common ppl.
    We need to put an end to this corruption ,start generating your own electricity now.
    Visit LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and get the blueprints . Join the Revolution!!

  2. farmjeep says:

    Excellent job with the video guys. Floyd & Pam, thanks for sharing.

    Jim K

  3. vandrewlongstrider says:

    Great! It’s about time that the Garn had a really good video made about it! So glad to see you posted it!