Pc Grow room, Build Your Self

Why pay 300-500$ or more to buy a PC Grow Case.why not just build your self one for free. With just parts of an old computer Case ... an all the parts in the case. or parts you have laying around the house you don't use . better to build your self one for you can start you indoors Grow with out Having to wait for the shipping For this computer case took me 2 days. of 6 hours each to create this Pc case you can do it to .. just be Creative an have fun ! ... most of my money went to Glue Sticks. LMAO

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25 Responses to Pc Grow room, Build Your Self

  1. zoeurdog says:

    LOL people will think you are growing drugs

  2. Gerryby310 says:

    e mail me, gerry.byfield@gmail.com why do you need the phone charger, how do you connecte it to the PC it self.?

  3. Ryszard Kijewicz says:

    Ha is that BG knocc out on da background music?

  4. JustJ0ker says:

    How do you get power 2 da fan if you just got a case with nothing in ? I know how to get power to the light bulb

  5. MrKlink951 says:

    hey its me Chrisklink123 i lost my Log info to this acc.. umm you for your question. the front of the fan should have screw mounts then all you gotta do is add some wire to connect all the wires togher

    Red positve .. black negitive blue or yellow can be Cut dont need them

  6. MrBDuncs says:

    use speaker screen and cover the fans on the inside, maybe that will work jsut gorilla glue it, so the fan doesnt blow it off but that should keep light in and let air flow still, Maybe??

  7. MrKlink951 says:

    hey its me Chrisklink123 i lost my Log info to this acc.. umm you for your question. the front of the fan should have screw mounts then all you gotta do is add some wire to connect all the wires togher
    Red positve .. black negitive blue or yellow can be Cut dont need them

  8. Voidhorn says:

    how did you put the fan in the front?

  9. trackstart100 says:

    Hey man how did you wire the fans and the lights that the only part that has me hung up bro… Hook me up……S.W.E.D

  10. PuffMastaSteve says:

    how do you put in the light bulb sockets?

  11. MrTylerIrvine says:

    where did you buy those lightbulb socket to plug?

  12. deairriusmcclain says:

    do u need 2 fans???

  13. MattAcontardi says:

    could you do a talk to video or tutorial on how to connect the lights o the main computer wire and the fan to the main wire ? ive watched the video many times and it just confuses me.

  14. seftonics01 says:

    i am currentley in the slow process of building one for my self… Do u need to keep the fans on full time?

  15. chrisklink123 says:

    Plants thrive for the Blue lumons. at time 2:00 – 2:45

  16. chrisklink123 says:

    been kinda busy but gatering parts for a new Pc growroom … give me some time an it will be made 

  17. chrisklink123 says:

    u need a cell phone carger plug but u need to read it … says 120 ac in 12 dc out
    that is perfect for computer fans @603Budz

  18. 603Budz says:

    so im buidling one myself and I dont have that cord that plugs into the back just the tower, how do i get my fans to work then?

  19. KoziKaki says:

    not enough light bro!!

  20. sharkkeepit55 says:

    put a outlet splitter in the inside or wire upa plug so that you can move that adapter inside and only have one cord coming out.

  21. chrisklink123 says:

    i can make one for under 150$ garenteed.
    yea it need a Carbon filter but no room for it. but u can easyly grow in area where there is plently of air move ment.

  22. LightlyFried says:

    wow kid shut up i said it looked big. Read the comment before you answer. Why do you think i said it?

  23. JetLife42O says:

    ill buy one if you think you can make one! 150$

  24. LightlyFried says:

    thats a big case

  25. chrisklink123 says:

    no Actuly they dont … there only White compact florsents .. n with 30-40 wats. the out take fan helps take off any heat they do provied