Fox News Plan Exposed By Document

MSNBC/The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur speaks with John Cook of Gawker about a Nixon era document that involved current Fox News president Roger Ailes laying out how to create a Republican propaganda TV network. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Facebook: Subscribe: TYT Mobile: Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog:
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25 Responses to Fox News Plan Exposed By Document

  1. ftenorio1 says:

    i keep telling this to southerners and some dont lisen

  2. crazyhiho says:

    FOX news is the worst station ever created… i really do not know how they are on air.

  3. solomanspaming says:

    @cybersk you are a gullable tool.
    Fuck you hannity, oreilly, Wallace, palin, and the rest of you demons. I pray you are all unemployed by the end of the year.
    And to all you ignorant racist douchebags who listen to these punk bitches, may you rot in hell, too.

  4. cybersk says:

    This stuttering buffoon – maybe the commentators believe with good reason that Obama is a socialist. Duh? You just assume it’s propoaganda Fred Flinstone you Obama ass wipe.

  5. cybersk says:

    Cenk Uygur the “college Democrat” yuk yuk yuk liberals so good, conservative soo baddddd, sounds like a broken record going on and on about Fox News.
    Meanwhile he collects his filthy lucre from MSNBC, a channel of money from Obama into GE’s pocket.
    But nary a word from Freddie Flinstone about MSNBC sucking money through the Jobs Czar Jeff Immelt the crook.
    Weeger, get your big hook of a beak out of Obama’s stinky butthole.

  6. pittbullbill says:

    @cybersk u need to watch a little more cenk critizes obama almost as much as fox news does typical republican dont know what the fuck your talking about

  7. cybersk says:

    shuddap “Fred Flinstone” Cenk Uygur. A propagandist for Obama with all the dough going to GE and MSNBC. Thank you Mr. Barack for all your filthy public dough into Cenk’s greasy immigrant pocket.

  8. pilam2013 says:

    @thisisachair Well that’s exactly what I’m saying – TYT openly opposes the right (or so it seems) so the chances of it presenting similar information about Democratic involvement in the media are low. Ergo, my statement.

    I’m not saying this is an issue at all though. It’s just interesting to see networks call out FOX, for example, on their OPINION programs and then claim themselves that their word is fact, or lead their viewers into thinking that. IMHO, it makes them look pretty childish.

  9. StrategyFiend says:

    @Hish927 “Socialists hold that capitalism is an illegitimate economic system, since it serves the interests of the wealthy and allows the exploitation of lower classes. As such, they wish to replace it completely or at least make substantial modifications to it, in order to create a more just society that would guarantee a certain basic standard of living.” There are many versions of socialist ideology, I find nothing “bad” with the quoted. Capitalism has merits, but needs Socialism mixed in too

  10. landofthebravefull says:

    @zouksesanet What??????

  11. underbjorn says:

    @zouksesanet —
    It was subversion and political activism against the Jewish Council and Roman provincial government.

  12. zouksesanet says:

    @Hish927 Agreed. But some (not all) republicans are very outspoken against muslims, both a religion and as people. They should invite them to dinner, they will see that they are just people.

  13. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet i bring up the quran becuz that video you sent me talks about how we republicans or ppl on the right are closed minded against muslims. also i believe i have an open mind when i look at other religions as well. it houldnt be the governments job to give money away like that its th citizens purpose through free will and morality to help their fellow countryman. and the ceasar part is bout how jesus never condemned governments about not helping but his followers were there to help.

  14. zouksesanet says:

    @landofthebravefull World systems must come to an end before Christ comes.

  15. zouksesanet says:

    @underbjorn That was part of his spiritual mission. He had to die in order to redeem mankind from the clutches of Satan.

  16. zouksesanet says:

    @Hish927 It’s not charity, it’s a social safety net. Otherwise, the poor and homeless would be all over the streets. Yes, welfare needs to be reformed, but I’m glad it’s there (believe me, I know) to help you until you get on your feet. The reference to Jesus and Ceasar, he was talking about taxes and tithing. We owe taxes to Ceasar and tithes to God. Why are you bringing up the Quran? i did not talk about it.

  17. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet make sure you read all my comments on the page in order or it would be confusing

  18. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet they end up having to lay ppl off becuz they cant pay ppl and pay for the benifits and then look at that the ppl who are laid off dont have a job or income for the family. and the democrats keep making these unions stronger and bigger when jobs and states cant handle that kind of money.i say socialism is bad becuz it gives government more power. and government isnt the answer my friend, its the problem.

  19. zouksesanet says:

    @StrategyFiend Yes, you’re right/ They are biased and ignorant.

  20. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet and at the time the rich were ppl like tax collectors who ould charge you extra so they can pocket what they collect. also i dont quite consider myself a republicann. i like to say conservative/ libertarian. both political parties do favors for ppl who give them money and you think the poor give democrats? no they get their money from unions and they help unions coe more powerful. and what happens when a company or state cant handle paying them and their benifits? ( continued)

  21. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet also i dont think Jesus would want a government to do force charity by what progressives and other would call spreading the wealth. I believe charity should ur be own free will which is what God gave us not through government regulations and such. and did Jesus ever condemned the roman government at the time? i think jesus once said “give onto cesear what belongs to cesaer and belongs to God give to God.” (continued)

  22. Hish927 says:

    @zouksesanet ok yes i am catholic and that video sent me is completely wrong about the tea party and ppl who are like that in the tea party are wrong. and the thing about muslims are becuz as a hristian i can tell you that jesus is perhaps the 2nd most quoted person in the quran after moses. also mary is mentioned more times in the quran then the bible and has her own chapter. me, close minded? i think not. also we dont call this war against religion that is the muslim extremist. (continued)

  23. dakotamanomgwtf says:

    Ahh we already knew Fox was full of shit but this is nice to confirm that all the accusations of them being bias towards the right (Which is quite obvious) is 100% accurate. I like how the anchor on msnbc is all excited that Fox is proven to lie and be bias haha

  24. 123trymeout says:

    @itsokaytobeafraid and another thing…i do read Hawking and Carl Sagan…but I dont believe everything I read, hear on the radio, or see on TV unlike you…

  25. 123trymeout says:

    @itsokaytobeafraid do you know why? because it seems more plausible but it is merely an explanation meaning that we can not know for sure if the BB theory happened…and one thing to think about in either case..there is no explanation on why it occurred and what caused it to happen…so to me that seems like a pretty big plothole that is left unanswered…