How to have a home with no house payments and no utility bills!

How to have a home with no house payments and no monthly utility bills! This is an introduction to simple solar homesteading that provides information on how to find cheap land, build an inexpensive home, and use solar power to eliminate monthly utility bills. What would you do if you had no house payment and no monthly utility bills ? Well watch the video and I will show you how it is done easily and with very little money!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to How to have a home with no house payments and no utility bills!

  1. phremenum says:


  2. knowledgeispowerfful says:

    Nice vid, very informative. What do you do for food? and emergencies ( like if you get sick)? Thanks for sharing.

  3. solarcabin says:


    I am in Utah. Check with the county you are interested in. We have very cold winters but cabin is easy and cheap to heat.

  4. corndogers564 says:

    @Digitalmanne less then 40 acres? I dont know why, but that sounds ridiculous!

  5. Digitalmanne says:

    check your local ordinances….. where I live you can NOT put a “dwelling” on any property less than 40 acres, if it is outside city limits!

  6. WinefrideofWales says:

    Would you mind telling us what state you are in or at least which US region? I’m wondering if something like this would be possible in such a place as North/South Dakota or Minnesota…?? I’m thinking would need more insulation up here…

  7. TheDano1947 says:

    @TacticalSoleSurvivor That is another thing that bothers me, you own land and you want to build on it so you have to pay the man. That seems to be the name of the game ((PAY THE MAN)) I really hate the gate keepers of this country, They’re like the mafia. There are countries where you can buy land and actually own it, free and clear. But not in the land of the free MARKET.

  8. TheDano1947 says:

    @felixlaptop I don’t think so, cause the state will get their slice of the pie. It has something to do with the dollar. Maybe, I’m not sure, if you paid with gold or silver, you could own it free and clear, but government always want’s their cut.

  9. TheDano1947 says:

    But you still pay Real Property Tax though, which means the state owns your property and rent’s it to you for X amount of money a year on an ascending scale,
    based on the value of the property.

  10. TheDano1947 says:

    Ya, buying someone else’s misfortune. That’s my only objection to cheep land purchases. You get on the cheep what someone else lost because they couldn’t make the monthly payments.

  11. Tewrobert says:

    @ImTheDaveman You are so right, Big Government is going to stay ahead of the curve….

  12. felixlaptop says:

    PLEASE READ—I dont really understand the whole buying thing,but does that land get taxed? if so than how much? Can I buy land that is tax free?

  13. mynd618 says:

    What about property taxes?


    Great video indeed! A++++ Thank you for posting this great video!

  15. amy2x says:


  16. zz4r says:

    wow awesome

  17. TacticalSoleSurvivor says:

    So how much did you pay for the building permits?

  18. justgetsome says:

    I applaud you, great work and a nice explanation, honest even.

  19. basicliving4u says:

    I LIKE!

  20. solarcabin says:


    I have air antennae, cell phone and wifi. You could also use satellite.

  21. MrMetalBreath says:

    great video, thanks buddy, this gives people hope!

  22. rambojoe2323 says:

    looks cozy. This is the kind of thing I want to start with. Then build on when I get some security. The key is to STAY OUT OF DEBT.

  23. Krogoth04 says:

    Subscribed. Things like this they never taught in school, and I didn’t even know this was possible until I saw this video!

  24. jjenson2006 says:

    @systemaddictshock All of which come with utility bills, but I was asking the OP.

  25. systemaddictshock says:

    @jjenson2006 wireless…or tether to cell phone or just buy a MiFi.