Harriet Harman, Deputy Labour Leader, versus William Hague, Shadow Foreign Secretary, in the House of Commons on Wednesday April 2, 2008. Gordon Brown was in Russia somewhere for a meeting — I'm not sure where David Cameron was. Harman is a well-known feminist and promoter of gender equality, so it's no wonder she countered Hague's comments about Margaret Thatcher so easily. More commentary about this at: news.bbc.co.uk Also, here is the blog entry on Harriet Harman's website that Hague was referring to: blog.harrietharman.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Kozzy06 Yeah and he’s got an arsehole like an airport windsock. A horrible corrupt closet poof.
Hague is brilliant.
Oldest Parliamentary Democracy in the World. The art or Oratory at its best.
@drbizzaros you shouldn’t take me for anything. women don’t agree with you, that’s a fact, and nor do men. you’re belonging to one of those species we all thought was extinguished hundred years ago. I hope to see you in a zoo someday so we all can point our fingers and laugh at you.
@javlarvasnyggt i take you’re a woman, stop talking and do some ironing, thanks
@drbizzaros and people like you shouldn’t be allowed to speak or even exist cause you’re an ignorant piece off shit. so why don’t you just fuck off and die, asshole
Women shouldn’t be allowed in uk parliament or any parliament. I just don’t take them seriously or listen to what they say. It’s a known fact they don’t know what they are talking about. Women should stop trying to be equal, they are not
I like how they take a swipe at each other and smile afterwards. British parliament is the liveliest parliament in the world!
Man hating bint
@TheAqui1a Im Irish and I still say here here!
@codownni know the feeling…am also quite busy…hope it’s okay if i continue to not be a fan of the british parliament…and hope you would also agree that people have a right to their own opinion…to look and not be required to like…to analyze, critique and express what they see and hear…just a few things “democracy” supposedly espouses…
Rather not actrually. Awfully sorry, but this is quite pointless and I have work to do. Please feel free to continue without me.
@codownni am not sure what you mean…i welcome any conversation on any comment i’ve made…mind explaining what made you think that i would not welcome responses?…thx in advance…
No problem Sir. All the best.
@codownni PS seems it doesn’t make sense to conclude that because something is a tradition and has a history/past, that it is beyond critique…mind elaborating on that?…also regarding democracy, seems to me it has yet to really exist…the word has been paraded around, but in my opinion it has been and still is mainly an illusion…but i guess that is debatable and dependent on one’s definition of democracy…thx again for the conversation…
Do you believe that all your comments should not be responded too? That you have a divine right to write whatever you like but nobody can add their opinion/recomendations? Do you enjoy takeing a comment and running with it untill you have lost all sight of what was previously stated? Do you enjoy asking multiple ridiculous questions with no obvious relevance to what has been said? Do you like carrots steamed or boiled? Do you think you will continue with this?
@codownni thx for the comment…are you suggesting that viewers of these parliamentary spectacles (which are participated in by persons who are supposedly there to represent the people) should only be “liked” and are therefore beyond critique?..does that go for government actions/policies as well?…like it or turn the other way?…like it or get out of the country?…regardless the history which you mention, and that being seemingly irrelevant, do you not see anything to critique in this video?
Great Britain is the Worlds oldest parliamentary Democracy. If you do not like it, the do not watch it.
i miss harman vs hague. it only happened a handful of times but they were brilliant! im a tory but harman did do rly well at this exchange and i dont think ANYONE was expecting it tbh
I wonder is Cameron will get stabbed in the back like thatcher did by her own party.
Who wants to have a laugh at British justice???
Any Rap artist/Emcee or Poet in the U.K can get this ban….
Check out the “official crown court papers” from the court case that lead
to me being the 1st ever british poet to be given a “5 year rap & poetry ban”
(Video on my page)
“Donhonki” “First ever crown court BANNED british rap-poet” (2009-2014)
@bicnarok hear hear!
as humanity faces some of its most serious challenges in the coming days, months and years…will we continue to rely on broken top-down power structures and socalled “leaders” (aka status quo clowns) to lead the way in problem solving…i think not…the conduct shown here is surreal and more akin to the atmosphere of a circus or bizarre comedy show…to which i refuse to buy a ticket…
the british political system…like the american system…is a farce and a disgrace to humanity…apelike and primitive is the approach to “discussion” here…shameful…flies in the face of any claim of or attempt at REAL democracy…
Pathetic woman. Tries to make Hague look sexist when there is no real evidence.